Food For Thought "Truth Is What Matters © copyrighted DIRECTV™ and Dish™ Customers... Are You Being Screwed? Had Enough? April 5, 2010, April 25, 2010 | by columnist David Lawrence Dewey "Reading provides knowledge... knowledge leads to answers." |
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Existing DIRECTV™ and Dish™ prior customers are you tired of being screwed with the price increases that both corporations have been doing over the last two years nearly - promoting 50% OFF for new subscribers? The double speak that both corporations customer service reprensentatives, even at the executive level try to convince you that this ongoing so called promotion that both have been waging now going on two years is simply a "promotion" to attract new subscribers. The bottom line and truth is by giving new subscribers 50% off and other existing customers are paying for this with increased monthly fees on your services. Over the course of the last two years I have received thousands of complaints from subscribers of both DirecTv™ and the Dish Network of outrageous rate increases and other fees, ridiculous termination fees and DIRECTV's latest thing that you must only use and lease their satellite receivers!
Basically, thanks to the Republican controlled Congress during President Reagan's (2) terms of de-regulation, the FCC stopped regulating these rates and turned them over to local governments who have done nothing but place taxes on them and not bothered with regulating rate increases. And there were some Democrats back then that pushed for de-regulation that I am not please with either! Because of de-regualation which was touted back them to increase competition and would drive down rates, you can see over the years that is not true, just the opposite and you are paying dearly for de-regulation now in increased rates.
I myself have experienced these ridiculous rate increases. Little over two years ago, I was paying $37.99 a month for my satellite package with DirecTv, today I am paying $63.99 for that same package, a $26.00 monthly increase in two years, a 40% increase in two years. That is how DirecTv™ is giving that $26.00 a month credit to new subscribers for 12 months. They have to make up the difference somewhere. I live in a rural area where my only source to acquire television is through satellite. These rate increaeses that both DirecTv™ and Dish™ have been slapping to existing subscribers is only going to get worse unless you write your Congressman and file complaints with the FCC that cable and satellite rates must be regulated again! And I am surprized that a good class action attorney somewhere has not filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of consumers using the services of both corporations because this I would think falls under the Sherman Anti-Trust Laws. But there has been several recently filed class actions lawsuits against DirecTv™, they are listed below. And DirecTv's promotion of $100.00 to you if you refer a friend to them and they subscribe is no more than multi-level marketing which is illegal in this country, meaning someone is going to be injured in the long run by these promotions, existing subscribers will have to make up the loss of revenue from these gimmicks in increased fees to existing subsrcibers, this is unfair business practices to existing consumer subscribers both corporations have.
There is more information at the bottom of this article and contact information to do so.
Regarding class actions lawsuits against DirecTv™, they had had hundreds. Here are the latest.
Class Action Says DirecTv™ Forces Consumers to Pay for Fraudulent Accounts. DirecTv is facing its second major class action in as many months, this time alleging that the cable provider charges consumers with fraud alerts on their credit accounts for satellite TV that they never used or requested.
Washington Attorney General Sues DirectTv™For 'Unconscionable' Sales Practices. Claims consumers burned by big fees buried in fine print. According to Washington's Attorney General Rob McKenna, DirecTv™ has generated more complaints from consumers than any other business thisyear -- 375 in 2009, and over 700 in the last three years. He claims it's time to do something about it. Accordingly, his office is suingthe California-based satellite TV company for deceptive and unfair sales practices.
McKenna claims that DIRECTV has been luring new customers with ads for low-priced service, while burying multiple hidden fees and"gotchas" in the fine print of its contracts. Following a year-long investigation, the Attorney General's office filed suit for whatMcKenna claims are violations of the state's Consumer Protection Act.
"The miniscule 5.5 point fine print at the bottom of a DirecTv™ advertisement is enough to give someone a migraine," McKenna said."Even if consumers used a magnifying glass, they still wouldn'tdiscover that the 'good deal' they were promised came with potentialexpensive pitfalls."
Assistant attorney general Paula Selis said one key issue was thecompany's requirement that new customers commit to a two-year equipmentlease and programming agreement.
"Consumers aren't aware of the two-year contact until after they'vesigned up for service," Selis said. "They don't know that the monthlyservice charge will increase significantly after a year. They don'tknow that DirecTv™ will charge them up to a $480 penalty if they cancelbefore the first two years. Customers who weren't able to use theservice because of reception problems or faulty equipment were alsocharged penalties in some cases."
The Attorney General's office published a host of practices that they say are unfair to customers, including:
Washington State isn't the only state to sue DirecTv™ for what it claims are bad business practices. California DIRECTV customers filed a class action lawsuit against the company over its practice of automatically debiting contract cancellation fees from their account, often without theirknowledge or permission.
This is a good source to track the many other lawsuits not listed above that have been filed against DirecTv or any other corporation's lawsuits filed against them. You will be shocked by the number of lawsuits filed against nearly every corporation on the NASDAQ and other corporations as well not on the
NASDAQ. ClassActionWorld
I'm sure you have seen the following ads in newspapers and television from DirecTv™ and Dish™ over the last two years:
The Attorney General's Office is asking the court to compel DirecTv ™ to change its business practices, impose civil penalties and providerestitution for consumers.
Let's look at DIRECTV™ first:
![]() |
![]() What are existing DIRECTV™ subscribers paying for these same packages: Choice Package $58.99 = $29.00 more a month - $348.00 + taxes a year more Choice Extra $63.99 = $29.00 more a month - $348.00 + taxes a year more Choice Ultimate $68.99 = $29.00 more a month - $348.00 + taxes a year more If you are paying more than these prices above, then you are really getting screwed by DIRECTV™. This is what most DIRECTV™ existing subcribers are now paying with the recent price increase in February, 2010. I have received emails that some are paying more than this in some areas for some reason? |
On this so called promotion with DirecTv™ you have to sign up for a (24) month subscription and if you cancel before the end of the 24 months with this "promotion" pricing, you are charged a $480.00 cancellation fee according to the flyer. These types of fees are being investigated presently by the FCC after receiving thousands of complaints. Dish also has a similar fee listed below. DIRECTV™ says they have 17 million subscribers, according to their last SEC filings as they tout that they are the largest satellite televsion provider, whereas Dish states 14.4 million subscribers in their SEC filings.
DIRECTV™ will tell you if you call in and complain about the price increases and refer to these special promotion pricing, you are told that is a special promotion pricing to attract new customers. Right, it has been ongoing fo two years now. The bottom line is, by giving this lower pricing to new subscribers, DIRECTV™ has to make up the shortage somewhere and it is you, existing customers, that is why you have seen (4) price increases in little over two years. And don't forget all the new equipment these new subcribers are getting FREE, a DVDR to record on, extra receivers. Again existing subscribers are getting screwed because if they want one, you have to lease it. Oh, that brings up another matter. How many of you had to "lease" their satellite box because DirectTv would no longer support any other satellite box except their own made by DIRECTV™. Those that had RCA, Hughes, etc. which many owned outright, suddenly found the guide would NOT display properly. When you called back then, you were told it was because DIRECTV™ went to a higher bit MPEG 4 programming and you had to lease their box. DIRECTV™ gave no prior warning to this change until you discovered your guide would not display all the channels properly. Basically by this move, DIRECTV™ which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the News Corporation which also owns Fox TV. Murdock ™ did this to control the market like he has been trying to control the media by the purchasing of newspapers, television and radio stations. In England, they finally said, "NO", to him in the purchasing of any additional media outlets because he was approaching dangerous levels of controlling the media completely in England. He is close to it in the United States. Read my article, Cynical Take Over Attempt of Goliath - DIRECTV™ - News Corporation Of Little David - Pegasus Satellite, the cynical and diabolic takeover by DIRECTV™ of small company Pegasus Satellite. June 16, 2004.
On Friday, June 25, 2004, a federal appeals court struck down the efforts by the FCC, Federal Communications Commission, to make changes in allowing media corporations to own more radio and television stations and newspapers. The ruling by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia threw out the rules that would have allowed companies in single markets to own more. This is a victory for Americans to insure that only a few do not wind up controlling the news media in this country.
Murdoch's news corporation owns over 1,500 other companies. Murdoch is from Australia. Here is a listing from records filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission News Corporation Subsidiaries - Sec Regulatory Reports. This will give you an idea of the media control Murdoch has in the U.S. This information is from 2004 and is available on the Securities and Exchange Commission detailing the purchase of News Corporation from General Motors of Hughes Electronic Corporation which included the DirecTV Divison in 2003. News Corporation purchases Hughes Electronics - General Motors company. - Sec Regulatory Reports - Full Report 10-K Registration Filing, 2003 . You'll be suprized also to see who is on the Board of Directors on this report. This is a 300+ report. One should really check out the SEC 10-K filings on corporations, you learn a great deal about what they are doing, especially screwing you the consumer. The easiest way to find the SEC full reports on corporations is to have the NASDAQ ticker symbol. You can usually find that on investor pages on corporation websites. Here is the link to SEC.GOV, once you have the ticket symbol, just type in it and look for 10K annual filings. SEC Search By Ticker Symbol or Exact Name of Corporation The ticker symbol for The News Corporation is NWS. Here is a link to their most current
Form 10-Q filing for 12-31-09. 10-Q Filing 12-31-09. This report which they are only now required to file does not provide as information as the 10-K filing above for 2003. The corporation has not been required to file another 10-K Full Report since 2003. So, I would download the full 10-K report and read it ! Hughes also made their own satellite boxes and also for RCA which you could use on DirectTv. This is why Murdock bought Hughes to start making his own satellite boxes that you could
only "lease" from him and not outright own. Here is the latest news outlets owned by Murdock and his News Corporation and there should be great concern by Americans that one man has this much power to influence the media. News Corporation Subsidiaries
Also, to learn more about who also owns the Fox - American Idol shows, which links back to Bertelsmann of Germany check out the name Bertlesmann in Germant. Bertlesmann is a privately held family company and has been since its inception. The Gunther Thielsen family owns the majority of the company. Thielsen is related to the Thyssen family of World War II. The Thyssen family owned the German steel factories. They were in business with Preston S. Bush and W.A. Harriman before and during the war furnishing the steel to the German Thyssen steel factories. Thyssen was making Nazi tanks and military hardware for Hitler's Germany. Preston S. Bush is President George Bush's grandfather. More details about this in my column, July, 2002.
BBC Story about Bertelesmann -Germany- Bertelesmann was also convicted of collaborating with the Nazi's during WWI and for using Jewish slave labor. - BBC - England. More details about this in my column of July, 2002.
If you complain loud enough at DIRECTV™ or Dish™ as I understand if you are an existing subscriber...
If you call DIRECTV™ and complain loud enough by asking for the Retention Department, they will give existing subscribers a pittiful
$10.00 monthly credit for (12) months, and maybe throw in FREE HBO or Showtime for (3) months, but that is chump change for the
$29.99 a month new subscribers are paying less a month for the same thing you are paying more for. Even if you get the $10.00 a month credit
and that is only for (12) months, you are still getting screwed by paying $19.99 more a month than new subscribers.
Had enough America of corporations screwing you over?
Now...let's look at Dish™ Satellite: Like DIRECTV™, if you call DISH™ and complain loud enough by asking for the Retention Department, they will give existing subscribers a pittiful $10.00 monthly credit for (12) months, and maybe throw in FREE HBO or Showtime for (3) months, but that is chump change for the $26.00 or more a month new subscribers are paying less a month for the same thing you are paying for. Even if you get the $10.00 a month credit and that is only for (12) months, you are still getting screwed by paying $16.00 more a month than new subscribers for the lowest Dish™ package of 120 channels. Dish™ also has other fees, adding a package, dropping a package that DIRECTV™ may or may not charge subscribers
depending on the emails I've received from readers. Seems like DIRECTV™ ramdonly charges for things according to customers based on the emails I've received complaining about this. Dish™ also does the same thing.
Who Owns Dish™ Network Corporation Satellite?
This is even worse for Dish™ existing subscribers, you are getting screwed $10.00 more a month than DIRECTV™ existing subscribers.
What are existing Dish™ Satellite subscribers
paying for these same packages:
Dish Top 120 $39.99 = $20.00 more a month - $240.00 a year more
Dish Top 200 $57.99 = $25.00 more a month - $300.00 a year more
Dish Top 250 $65.99 = $23.00 more a month - $276.00 a year more
If you are paying more than these prices above, then you are really getting screwed by Dish™. This is what most Dish™ existing subcribers are now paying with the recent price increase in February, 2010. I have received emails that some are paying more
than this in some areas for some reason?
DISH™ Network L.L.C., a subsidiary of DISH™ Network Corporation (NASDAQ: DISH), provides more than 14.1 million satellite TV customers, as of Dec. 31, 2009, with the highest quality programming and technology at the best value, including the lowest all-digital price nationwide. Customers have access to hundreds of video and audio channels, the most HD channels, the most international channels, state-of-the-art interactive TV applications, and award-winning HD and DVR technology including 1080p Video on Demand and the ViP® 722 HD DVR, a CNET and PC Magazine "Editors' Choice." DISH™ Network is included in the Nasdaq-100 Index (NDX) and is a Fortune 250 company. Visit, follow on Twitter, @dishnetwork (, or become a Fan on Facebook,
DISH Network is the offspring of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C., a satellite TV equipment distributor founded by CEO Charlie Ergen, his wife Candy and their friend Jim DeFranco in 1980. In 1987, EchoStar filed for a Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) license with the FCC and in 1992, was granted access to orbital slot 119° West Longitude. With the successful launch of the EchoStar I satellite in December 1995, EchoStar established the DISH Network brand name in early 1996 and began providing a wide array of programming to consumer homes. Since then, EchoStar and DISH Network launched a number of satellites to accommodate the companies' rapid growth, and count 14 owned and leased satellites in their shared fleet.
In January 2008, EchoStar and its DISH™ Network subsidiary split into two separate companies, DISH™ Network Corporation (NASDAQ: DISH) and EchoStar Corporation (NASDAQ: SATS). EchoStar Corporation now serves as a key technology partner to DISH™ Network Corporation, providing the company with award-winning set-top boxes and other TV technology that helps DISH™ Network continue to offer the ultimate TV experience to its customers.
Throughout its 29-year history, DISH™ Network has demonstrated its entrepreneurial spirit by achieving significant industry firsts:
SEC Report
This is a list of the Dish™ Network subsidiaries: SEC REPORT
The following are excerpts on the DISH SEC latest filing which you may want to know about and be concerned about:
"FCC Actions Affecting our Licenses and Applications:"
"A number of our other applications have been denied or dismissed without prejudice by the FCC, or remain pending. We cannot be sure that the FCC will grant any of our outstanding applications, or that the authorizations, if granted, will not be subject to onerous conditions. Moreover, the cost of building, launching and insuring a satellite can be as much as $300 million or more, and we cannot be sure that we will be able to construct and launch all of the satellites for which we have requested authorizations. The FCC has also imposed a bond requirement for up to $3 million for each of our fixed satellite services satellite licenses, all or part of which would be forfeited by a licensee that does not meet its diligence milestones for a particular satellite."
"We currently have no commercial insurance coverage on the satellites we own and could face significant impairment charges if one of our satellites fails. Generally, we do not carry launch or in-orbit insurance on the satellites we use. We currently do not carry in-orbit insurance on any of our satellites and do not use commercial insurance to mitigate the potential financial impact of launch or in-orbit failures because we believe that the cost of insurance premiums is uneconomical relative to the risk of such failures. If one or more of our in-orbit satellites fail, we could be required to record significant impairment charges. We may have potential conflicts of interest with EchoStar due to our common ownership and management. Questions relating to conflicts of interest may arise between EchoStar and us in a number of areas relating to our past and ongoing relationships. Areas in which conflicts of interest between EchoStar and us could arise."
FCC file a complaint - I would also send the complaint to your U.S. State Senator(s). File FCC Complaint
or CALL 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) TOLL-FREE
To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail:
Chairman Julius Genachowski:
Commissioner Michael J. Copps:
Commissioner Robert McDowell:
Commissioner Mignon Clyburn:
Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker:
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
1-866-418-0232 FAX: toll-free
This is what is on the FCC website concerning regulation of cable, satellite rates:
Your local franchising authority (LFA) -- the city, county, or other governmental organization authorized by your state to regulate cable television service -- may regulate the rates your cable company charges for the basic services tier. The basic services tier must include most local broadcast stations, as well as the public, educational, and governmental channels required by the franchise agreement between the LFA and your cable company. If the FCC finds that a local cable company is subject to “effective competition” (as defined by Federal law), the LFA may not regulate the rates it charges for the basic services tier. The rates charged by certain small cable companies are not subject to regulation. They are determined by the companies.
Your LFA also enforces FCC regulations that determine whether a cable operator’s basic services tier rates are reasonable. The LFA reviews rate justification forms filed by cable operators. Contact your LFA if you have any questions about basic service tier rates.
However, January, 2009, the FCC issued this warning in a Press Release which is hypocritical. It is evident which side the FCC is on, the corporations, not the consumer.
FCC Warns LFAs About Rate Regulation
Agency Banning Local Governments From Placing Limits On Basic Tier Rates
Washington -- In so many words, the Federal Communications Commission is banning local governments from placing limits on basic tier rates charged by cable operators that are new entrants into the market.
The media regulator said in a public notice released Jan. 16 that local governments likely have no basis to regulate a new provider when incumbents have been broadly deregulated as a result of competition from satellite TV providers and, more recently, local phone companies.
The FCC was vague about the reason for its public notice. It didn't provide even one example of where a local government had stepped in, or threatened to step in, to regulate basic rates of a new video provider, such as Verizon Communications.
"Recently, when new entrant cable operators have proposed to provide cable service in franchise areas served by incumbent cable operators, issues have arisen about regulation by the local franchising authority of the new entrant's basic-cable service rates," the FCC said in the two-page notice. "The purpose of this public notice is to provide guidance to new entrants and LFAs on some of those issues." It's not clear to what extent the FCC's warning covers AT&T, which claims that it is not legally a cable operator when providing its U-verse video service based on Internet Protocol standards.
In March 31, 1999, the FCC lost authority to regulate cable rates above the basic tier. Deregulation of the basic tier requires a showing by a cable operator to the FCC that enough competition exists to eliminate regulation.
Typically, deregulation is legally met when satellite TV providers have 15% market share or when local phone companies provide video over their own facilities, without regard to market share. The FCC has found "effective competition" exists in hundreds, if not thousands, of communities.
The basic tier consists of local TV signals, usually public, educational and governmental channels and any cable programming service that the cable operator elects to include.
This is the 2000 FCC FACT sheet pertaining to the regulation of cable/televsion/satellite rates, etc.
Here is some background information on the FCC, how it was created and other acts over the years
Radio Act of 1927
Public Broadcasting
Cable Act of 1984
Consumer Protection & Competition Act of 1992
The information I have provided in this article now empowers you to do something. People want de-regulation, well your paying for it through the nose now, not just with cable/satellite rates, but with everything else. GREED as has been seen in what has been exposed in just the last three years will never go away. There are crooks everywhere, even at the corporate level. That is why we certain things must be regulated. If the tarriffs on steel in 2005 by the Bush Adminstration, Bethlehem Steel, a 100 year old steel foundry in New York would not have gone bankrupt. Why? Because trade barriers and especially trade tarriffs were lifted that steel could be bought from other countries, even to make our military tanks with. In 2006 we bought steel from China to make our tanks, planes and ammunition from. Textile manufacturing jobs that had been in this country for 50 years, lost to China, Indonesia, Philipines, Viet Nam and other such countries. This has resulted in good-paying blue-collar manufacturing jobs disappearing permanently to overseas as well as white-collar jobs earning as much as $18.00 an hour such as in the automobile parts industry. There are now over 34 million workers earning less than $8.70 per hour. They have seriously fallen behind in their standard of living because of short-sighted business cost-cutting, government deregulation and technology changes, but mainly moving jobs overseas where they pay workers anywhere from 45 cents an hour to 1.00 an hour.
Many sheet rock factories closed in the U.S. during the housing boom because it could be bought cheaper in China. The result, over 100,000 homes it is estimated have sheetrock made in China that is making people sick due to the chemicals in it.
Did you see the latest fraud exposed by Diane Sawyer and ABC World News last week, March 26, concerning how Energy Star ratings have been acquired for appliances? The ABC News undercover investigation shows the government's 18-year-old Energy Star program may be awarding the label to unworthy products. Here is a link to the ABC story...
The GAO Accounting Office investigated by setting up fake websites. One website dummy corporation they set up was selling an odd looking air purifier purchased overseas. They sent their application in to the government
agency that approves Energy Star ratings. GAO personnel glued a feather duster to the top of it, sent in their application to have it Energy Star approved stating their own findings, and they got it stamped and approved in (11) days and was even listed on the government Energy Star website. The EPA requested expedited info so the machine could make a deadline for a Qualified Products list designed to guide shoppers during the 2009 holiday season. The GAO rapidly fired off some falsified test data, and the made-up monitor was approved and online within 30 minutes of submission. Here is a picture of this ridiculous product.
They also included a gasoline powered alarm clock and got an Energy Star Savings Rating? 15 out of 20 bogus products were rubber stamped with the Energy Star Certificate. If you missed the newscast, you can view the video at the above ABC link and see these ridiculous things. Now do you see the greed that is prevalent in this country?
And let us not forgot about all the lead found in toys made in China, poisoning our children!
America, I'm going to be frank and some of will not like what I am about to say. It is time that many of you got off your behinds, started paying more attention to what is going on in Washington, and what your politicians are doing in favor of corporations and not you the consumer. If you don't things are only going to get worse and frankly, I am tired of all of your emails whining and complaining about everything, job losses, when it is you that have sat on your laurels for 25 so years and let all this happen. Read my column, What Has Truly Caused the Job Losses and the Banking Crisis Meltdown - The Facts! and learn what has caused all of the problems we are have to deal with today. Time is running out America. It just like in 1996, I was the first journalist to warn consumers of the dangers of hydrogenated oils - some thought I was a nutcase back then on trying to warn consumers about these deadly oils and other toxins in the food supply - HELLO - who has the last laugh now! And I do not say that to sound pompous or arrogant - I am trying to wake America up with the truth - but no one wants to hear the truth anymore - because with the truth it means a person may have to expend some energy to do something. America must stop waiting until the past minute or until the problems arise. We are a smarter country than that!
Here is an example of corruption still going on in Washington, it has not changed with all the corruption during the Bush Adminstration
You heard this first here in this column:
President Obama says corruption must end in Washington, well, he needs to do some office cleaning, starting with Pelosi. I don't care what party they are affiliated with, corruption is corruption, there was plenty in the Bush Adminstration and it is still there with this Adminstration.
Here are the facts:
Not only does Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi break the rules with herself using military transportation but also for her family all the time - the very thing she complained about in the past adminstration.....but here is the bigger fish so to speak, (PUN), and its a whopper!
Pelosi's home district includes San Francisco .
StarKist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco .
StarKist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi, actually her largest contributor.
StarKist is the major employer in American Samoa, employing 75% of the Samoan work force.
Paul Pelosi, Nancy's husband, owns $17 million dollars of StarKist stock.
In January 2007, when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25,
Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage.
This would make Del Monte products less expensive than that of its competitors.
Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an "economic development credit in American Samoa."
Is this corruption or not? This is shameful and I bet you were not even aware of it. Now, what are you going to do about it, call your Senators, write letters to Editors of your local newspaper about this corruption. I don't care what party they are affiliated with, corruption is corruption, there was plenty in the Bush Adminstration and it is still there with this Adminstration. Do you care about corruption - if you do, then do something about it!
One last thing --
Healthcare Reform, Energy Reforms - These Need To Be Addressed As Well
I have written extensively why we must have Health Reform and Energy Reforms in this country. We are on a collision source that either of these, Global Warming if not contained or Health Care Reform is not done, either will cause a depression. If you have not read my columns on these issues, I hope you will to read the facts as to why we must have these reforms. Also, my next column is going to bring to light the poor quality crap that corporations are having assembled in Mexico and other places, like appliances, refrigerators, stoves all because of greed. Did you know that hardly no refrigerators are made in the U.S. anymore and none of them warranty rusting and they only warranty the sealed systems like compressors n ow for only one year, when they used to for 5 and ten years! It is going to be a real shocker folks! Start buying made in USA people. Click on the MADE IN THE USA image at the top of the website for links to websites that list companies still making products in the USA. Remember Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart. He had these
huge signs at the front of each store that said, "We only sell what is made in the USA." Within a year after his death, his heirs changed that philosophy that created jobs in America. The signs came down and Walmart started forcing companies to go overseas to make their crap cheaper for Walmart. Result, the loss of
over ten million jobs over the last ten years. Read my last column about those facts and in my column, The Truth About The Job Loss In America - More Job Losses To Follow - Has the Walmart Corporation played a huge role in the loss of American jobs? - Feb. 2004
Here's my final thoughts...
Isn't # 12 above, the bottom line to all of this and how screwed up this country has become? Learn the facts, the truth, then speak up ! Until you learn the facts, the truth, stop making yourself look like a fool by complaining and talking about things and following idiots that don't know what they are talking about. Empower yourself with knowledge, then speak up!
Have you learned anything by reading the facts and truth in this article?
One last need to learn about the vaccine crisis in this country causing autism in children!
Read actors Jenney McCarthy and Jim Carrey's website regarding this travesty!
McCarthy - Carrey Generation Rescue.ORG
* simply put in your email address to read the entire article!
You can also pull down Dr. Wakefied's study plus this new monkey study that shows vaccines do cause autism!
Dr. Wakefield Statement
Wakefield Study that has been erronously discredited after 12 years, why now?
Here is the new Monkey study showing the Hep B vaccine causes Autism in Monkeys!
Fourteen Studies
~ David Lawrence Dewey
Email your family and friends the link to this article which is:
On another note: ( everyone thought I was nuts in 1997 warning consumers about Global Warming, hello again - you are seeing it in the flooding and other major weather changes worldwide today ! )
Global Warming has been an issue of mine since 1997 when I wrote my first columns, alerting my readers to melting ice caps due to carbon dioxide levels increasing in the ice at the poles! In ten years, it has increased over 400%. This is what has been causing the ice caps to melt. All you have to do is view satellite images of the poles from ten years ago to last year, we have lost over 35% of the ice caps. We have lost major ice glaicers all over the world, providing drinking water and water for farming. In China, they are facing huge food shortages because (4) of their major ice glaciers providing water for farming in their main farming area have melted! If you have not read my columns over the years, I urge you to and support measures to end man made global warming. And to this day, we still have ignorant, stupid people out there that still say there is not such a thing as global warming. Good Lord, just look at the weather changes. Do you need to be hit over the ahead to wake up to the truth?
My columns:
Global Warming - Fact or Fiction - August, 1997
Rain forests diminishing by 10% a year. Worldwide oxygen production decreasing.
Global Warming August 1997
Global Warming: Is It Too Late? - March 2006, Updated April, 2007, August 2008
Ice Shelf Falls Off Into Artic - Is Global Warming Real Enough Now?
Global Warming March 2006, Updated April 2007, August 2008
~ ~ David Lawrence Dewey
One last thing....
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Make sure you read about the new documentary ![]() ![]() Read About the Film - Click Here Do you want to die young with a diseased heart? Develop needless high blood presure? Develop diabetes type II ? If not - then you need to watch this new documentary ! THE FILM HAS WON FIVE FILM AWARDS ! |
Do you care about your health, the health of your children, your family?
Then make sure you read my column:
Hydrogenated Oils - Silent Killers
Learn the truth about these deadly oils in our food supplies
Read about Greta Ferebee's and my efforts in a nationwide petition campaign to get these and other toxins out of the food supply. VISIT our website:
*The claims made about these products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
In the United States, medical diagnosis and treatment is constrained by law to be the exclusive purview of state licensed practitioners. The diseases discussed on this site are serious, sometimes life threatening matters. Neither the content nor the intent of this column may or should be construed as the giving of medical advice or as recommending any treatment of any kind. The purpose of this column is to support informed discussions, to provide medical research links and and to help the patient identify the doctors who keep up with advances in their field.
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