Food For Thought © copyrighted 122 Americans Die Each Day For Lack of Health Insurance November 4, 2009 - Updated Dec. 15, 2009 - May 5, 2010 | by columnist David Lawrence Dewey "Reading provides knowledge... knowledge leads to answers." |
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Why is it that in the richest nation on earth, 122 Americans die each day for lack of health insurance?
In a Harvard study published in the American Journal of Health, December, 2009, researchers found Americans have a 40 percent higher risk of death than their privately insured counterparts, up from a 25 percent excess death rate found in 1993. 15 million children under the age of 18 do not have any health insurance in this country. 44,000 Americans are now dieing each year, two-and-a-half times higher than an estimate from the Institute of Medicine in 2002.
What has our country become? The politicians in Washington evidently value spending trillions in the Irag and Afghanistan wars over taking care of the most basic needs of American citizens. How morally wrong is this? Why have we not heard anything more about the billions of over charges the General Accounting Office found by contractors in Irag and Afghanistan?
The same old politics in Washington are alive and well. The insurance corporation lobbyists are preventing a government health insurance plan to pass for all Americans. Profit and greed must be taken out of health care. Why is the United States the last industrialized nation to not provide a government health insurance plan for all of their citizens. I will tell you why. GREED!
It is amazing how many Americans have believed the literal lies put out by certain political figures about the government health care option and the health reform. One example is the disinformation about how bad the health care system in Canada. There is no waiting 6 months for a needed surgery. The problems in Canada are the same as in the United States, a shortage of Doctors. I have friends in Canada that say they would not trade their health care in Canada for this mess in America. These people that made such outlandlish statements did so for their own own selfish reasons for publicity stunts or were just plain ignorant people that could not read what was actually in the Bill before Congress for Health Reform and for a Public Option. There was nothing about EUTHANASIA in Bills before Congress. Besides, did everyone forget that there is already a Federal Law against EUTHANASIA.
What I would like to know is why has this information of Americans dieing for lack of health insurance not being reported on the network news and by your local newspapers? Have the news networks and newspapers become morally bankrupt as well by not reporting this?
Here is part of the problem. True campaign finance ethics reform in Washington must materialize. Loopholes must not exist that corporations can use to wine and dine politicians and pay for expensive campaign fund raising parties to get politicians re-elected. It should not cost $200 million to run for President or any office.
Americans need to take off the blinders, take their heads out of the sand and become aware of what is really going on with the real facts concerning the issues facing this country. We need to start electing people that truly work for the people. We need to stop re-electing politicians that simply fatten their own checkbooks while in office.
I urge everyone to call and write your Congressman to vote YES for the Public Health Care Plan for all Americans. And while you're at it, tell your Congressmen to also correct the campaign finance loopholes.
~ ~ ~ David Lawrence Dewey
Last...if you have not read about the new documetary, inGREEDients, below, please do. Purchase the DVD, watch it, share it with family and friends - it will save your life and theirs - especially your children!
And last, please visit former Vice President Al Gore's website and learn how you can help to stop
global warming: Official site taking the message of 'An Inconvenient Truth' to Congress. Official An Inconvenient Truth: Global Warming Effect Wesbite - Learn about Al Gore, Global Warming Truth, Causes, Effects & Facts Pertaining To Climate Change That Is Real!
~ God Bless
David Lawrence Dewey
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Make sure you read about the new documentary ![]() ![]() Read About the Film - Click Here Do you want to die young with a diseased heart? Develop needless high blood presure? Develop diabetes type II ? If not - then you need to watch this new documentary ! THE FILM HAS WON FIVE FILM AWARDS ! |
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