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The Facts Of 911 - Who Knew What When?
New Homeland Security Department - Does It Create A Police State?
Was President Bush's Grandfather Hitler's Banker?
What Really Happened on 911 - September 11th, 2001
Some Senators are experiencing problems in receiving emails. Snail mail by U.S. Mail could take up to 4 weeks for the Senators to receive your letter. If you oppose the Homeland Security Act and want your Senator to vote against it,
please call or fax NOW!
Senators contact information, phone fax numbers, email addresses by STATE LISTED HERE
The House voted on July 26th to approve the creation of this new Cabinet-Level position.
( 295 ) Members voted for the measure, ( 132 ) against. ( 207 ) Republicans voted for it and ( 88 ) Democrats for it.
( 10 ) Republicans voted against it, and ( 120 ) Democrates voted against it. (6) Abstained.
Below, you can view by Senator, who voted for and against this bill. I strongly urge that this upcoming election that you consider voting against those House Members that voted for this bill. They are not concerned about your civil liberties.
If the Senate passes this measure as President Bush is wanting it will mean the following:
President Bush's proposed new cabinet-level Homeland Security Department would create an agency
in size beyond belief with massive authority. It would have more armed federal agents with un-limited
search and seizure and arrest powers than any other branch of government. And this is the most disturbing. The President's proposal would explicitly remove the structural and legal safeguards necessary to keep the agency open and accountable to the american voter.
Presently, all of these agencies are subject to both Houses of Congress by investigation, on
procedures, and how they are run by either House. In addition, currently, the Inspector General can investigate any wrong doings in any agency without the approval of any President or Senator. As proposed by the President Bush, this new Homeland Security Department cabinet secretary in charge would have veto power over the Inspector General's audits and investigations. It will also exclude the new agency from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and whistleblower protections. Meaning, any records in any of these agencies would no longer be available under the Freedom of Information Act and whistleblowers in bringing forth matters of corruption or malfesense of any type would not be protected. It would not protect someone like FBI agent Coleen Rowley who wrote the damaging letter to Congress about the 911 defects within the FBI.
Once the masses relinguish the authority and control over those that are suppose to serve them, especially when it becomes as routine as it has, the people lose the ability to govern their destiny and lives. ACT TODAY ! CONTACT YOUR SENATORS BY PHONE AND FAX TO VOTE AGAINST THE CREATION OF THIS DEPARTMENT
JULY 26th, 2002
H R 5005 RECORDED VOTE 26-JUL-2002 9:41 PM
QUESTION: On Passage
BILL TITLE: Homeland Security Act
Aderholt | Goodlatte | Oxley |
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