![]() "Truth Is What Tatters" © copyrighted German Shepperd Dog Mourns His Mate and the 2012 Presidential Election October 23, 2012 | by columnist David Lawrence Dewey "Reading provides knowledge... knowledge leads to answers." |
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Make sure you also read my columns from 2004 and 2008, Scroll down to the bottom of this article and you
will see the links. I reported in 2004 and warned what would be happening over next 4-5 years. I warned of the mortgage loan meltdown and why it would happen and how to protect yourself then from losing much of your retirement funds.
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John F. Kennedy said... And...I wrote this many years ago... "Through the sands of time... |
A DL DEWEY Exclusive
German Shepperd Dog Mourns His Mate
and the 2012 Presidential Election
David Lawrence Dewey - October 23, 2012 © copyrighted
My fellow Americans, I am going to share a beautiful inspiring story with you that was sent to me by on of my readers overseas that should not only touch your heart, but will also see how this story relates to the 2012 Presidential Election in many regards. You stand by a person you have either loved or believed in.
Recently in Russia, a female German Shepperd dog was struck and killed on a busy highway near the village of Filippovka in Russia by a car. Her broken-hearted mate not only dragged her to a safe distance away from the highway where she was struck, but stood guard over his female mate's body for more than a week. He laid beside her trying to give warmth to her cold body from his own body. He cried for hours on end trying to "wake her". The villagers call them Romeo and Juliet.
Below are the pictures of this beautiful example of how animals,whom many believe are simply "stock", truly do have emotions, caring and most important, love. It should be a wakeup call to all of us to treat, to love our fellow man as we want to be loved and treated. Mankind has forgotten that one teaching that is basically taught throughout all of the various religions. I am not going to just share this one example, but another from China recently of the same example of another dog that has shown the same devotion and expression of love. There are links to videos of these beautiful examples.
He stays patiently beside his mate, trying to "wake" her up for over a week. He would not let any of the villagers come near. Nor would he eat or drink anything the local villagers would bring him. This is true devotion of love. Why is it that mankind cannot followup this pure example of love. These animals have no religious difference, all they have for one another is love. You can watch this beautiful example of such devotion and love with this video on YOUTUBE.
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Below is yet another example of a devoted love from another animal in China. He stays patiently guarding his mate with ongoing cars and trucks. They are thousands of this on YOUTUBE. Again, you can watch this on YOUTUBE.
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Now you ask? What does this have to do with the upcoming 2012 Presidential Election.
It has a great deal to do with it.
America, you elected President Obama in 2008 for change and to get America out of the mess that it was left in. Those are the facts. America was in a mess and here is why. These facts cannot be disputed.
Washington politics is playing out as usual. Nothing has changed concerning how Washington politics is working.
The most important fact of all that everyone is forgetting...
President Obama inherited a $11.4 trillion dollar deficit from President Bush's 8 years and the unemployment rise had begun to rise in the last 3 months of President Bush's presidency. The current deficit as of October 2, 2012 is $16.1 trillion dollars. http://www.concordcoalition.org/issue-page/national-debt?gclid=CL_zy5eLlbMCFeGDQgod0DoAbg
Corporate Lobbyists Still Controlling Washington for Corporations Yes, the debt has risen nearly $5 trillion since President Obama took office, but nearly $1.4 trillion of this was due to the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and another $1 trillion to fight terrorism across the globe in aid to other countries. Another $1 trillion to service the debt that was accumulated before President Obama took office. By the way, to set the record straight concerning the bailouts of the automobile and banking industries, much of that has been paid back with interest. Those loans to bailout those industries out, the government made money on which helped to lower the national debt. The bottom line to that is fact. If the automobile industries and the banks had not been bailed out, this country would still
be in a Depression worse than the 1929 one. Millions upon millions of Americans would have become homeless and in soup kitchen lines. And if you believe otherwise, then you are not living in the reality of the situation. And if you will read my other articles listed at the bottom of this column that I wrote in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011, you will find out who and what caused the financial meltdown and it was not President Obama.
On January 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled: "Corporations are People". President Obama in a statement shortly after this decision said, "This decision is a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics". This decision by the U.S. Supreme Court opened the door even further for control of Washington by corporations. It was a major victory for Big Oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans. In a speech Mitt Romney gave at a State Fair in 2007, Romney said, "Corporations are people, my friend." Someone in the crowd then called for raising their taxes. Romney then said, "Of course they are. Everything corporations earn eventually go to people. Where do you think it goes? Whose pockets? People’s pockets. Human beings."
Who is correct? Obama or Romney? Here are the facts . . .
Corporate lobbyists are still buying votes and pushing through the corporate agenda in America. As of October, 2012, the Democratic party has raised $755 million dollars and the Republican party has raised $800 million for the 2012 Presidential Election.
SOURCE: http://www.opensecrets.org/parties/.
This is in addition to $419 million the Democratic National Committee and Congressional Committe has raised and $577 million the Republican National Committee and Congressional Committee has raised. As of October 2012, combined totals $2.5 trillion dollars raised by both parties. This DOES NOT include the amounts raised by the various SUPER PAC organizations that are running ads and commercial for both parties.
U.S. Supreme Court Decision Does Open Up A New Doorway For Corporations To Purchase The President's Office
Restore Our Future, one of the many SUPER PAC organizations created after the U.S. Supreme Court decision has raised $99 million in support of Romney versus Priorities for America which has raised $48 million for Obama.
As of October, 2012, a total of 589 groups organized as SUPER PACs have reported total receipts of $571 million for conservative groups, $266 million for liberal grouns, and total independent expenditures of $22 million in the 2012 cycle representating various candidates on all various party candidates.
A complete listing of these SUPER PAC funds and their amounts are at:
SUPER PAC organizations can raised unlimited amount of funds and use those funds for ads in newspapers and television commericials in support of any candidate. I'm sure the forefathers of our great country are rolling over in their graves over this. It has become basically, the purchasing of the President's office by corporations.
Obama and Romney Track Records - - - Obama Track Record
Unemployment Bush (8 years): 3.8% low to 7.3% high Keep in mind that President Obama inherited a $11.4 trillion dollar deficit from President Bush's 8 years and the unemployment raise has begun to rise in the last 3 months of President Bush's presidency.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Government Revenues (including taxes) Spending Keep in mind the $5.94 Trillion to $6.05 Trillion includes the bank bailouts and automotive bailouts. This had to be done regardless of what anyone wants to argue because if it had not been done, America would have gone into a Depression worse that the 1929 Depression. In addition, are the costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars $ 1.4 trillion dollars as of May 2012, that President Obama inherited from President Bush.
Federal Deficit Keep in mind that this deficit included not raising corporate taxes and included the bank and automotive bailouts and the costs
of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars that President Obama inherited from President Bush.
Federal Debt Federal Government size (employees) Obama Campaigned That He Would - - -
Obama (3 years): 7.8% low to 10.1% high (currently annual average is 8.9%)
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bush (8 years): $9.9 Trillion to $14.3 Trillion
Obama (3 years): $13.9 Trillion to $14.5 rillion (as of 2010)
Source: NASDAQ
Bush (8 years): $3.6 Trillion to $4.7 Trillion
Obama (3 years): $3.6 Trillion to $4.8 Trillion ($5.25 Trillion projected for 2012)
Bush (8 years): $3.24 Trillion to $5.34 Trillion
Obama (3 years): $5.94 Trillion to $6.05 Trillion ($6.22 Trillion projected for 2012)
Source: USGovernmentSpending.com
Bush (8 years): $-236.2 Billion to $458.5 Billion
Obama (3 years): $1.4 Trillion to $1.2 Trillion ($1.1 Trillion projected for 2012)
Bush (8 years): rose from $5.6 trillion to $10.7 Trillion
Obama (3 years): rose from $11.8 Trillion to $15.1 Trillion ($16.65 Trillion projected for 2012)
Bush (8 years): 4.1Million to 4.2 Million
Obama (3 years): 4.4 Million (data available through 2010 only)
Source: U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Increase funding for organic and sustainable agriculture.
"To support the continued growth of sustainable alternative agriculture...will increase funding for the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program to help farmers afford the costs of compliance with national organic certification standards; and will reform the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Risk Management Agency's crop insurance rates so that they do not penalize organic farmers."
Update June 8th, 2012: This pledge by Obama has not been fulfilled and has been hampered by many Republicans who are aligned with the Monsanto Corporation.
Create an international tax haven watch list
"Create an international tax haven watch list of countries that do not share information returns with the United States."
Update June 8th, 2012: Law passed in 2010 and even goes further than promised by Obama.
Vigorously pursue hate crimes and civil rights abuses
"Will ensure that the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division vigorously pursues cases involving hate crimes and civil rights abuses by local officials. "And he will also require the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights to provide him with a report for its plan to diversify the Division's workforce in his first 100 days, particularly in the Criminal Section."
Update June 8th, 2012: A new law was passed and more enforcement has begun.
Sign the Freedom of Choice Act
"Throughout my career, I've been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100% pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America. ... And I will continue to defend this right by passing the Freedom of Choice Act as president."
Update June 1st, 2012: No BILL passed, noting has been signed; bill has fizzled in Congress hampered by Conservatives.
Create a Homeowner Obligation Made Explicit (HOME) score for mortgage comparisons
"Will create a Homeowner Obligation Made Explicit (HOME) score, which will provide potential borrowers with a simplified, standardized borrower metric (similar to APR) for home mortgages. The HOME score will allow Americans to easily compare various mortgage products and understand the full cost of the loan. The HOME score would also help borrowers understand their long-term obligations and would be required to include mandatory taxes and insurance."
Update May 24th, 2012: New standards included in Dodd-Frank Banking Deregulations Act - promised kept.
Increase non-military aid to Afghanistan by $1 billion
Barack Obama said he would increase U.S. non-military aid to Afghanistan by an additional $1 billion to $3 billion. "This aid would fund reconstruction, police and army training, embassy operations, and local projects including efforts to impact the lives of ordinary Afghans and to give farmers alternatives to growing opium poppies. The aid would also be tied to better performance by the Afghan national government, including anti-corruption initiatives and efforts to extend the rule of law across the country."
Update May 15th, 2012: Administration meets goal of boosting non-military funding in Afghanistan. This was poorly misunderstood by the Bush administration. How did the Bush adminstration think the Aghanistan government was going to create new industries for their people to survive on instead of planting poppy seeds to produce Opium. At one time, Afghanistan was the largest producer of Opium in the world.
Create a $60 billion bank to fund roads and bridges
"Will address the infrastructure challenge by creating a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to expand and enhance, not supplant, existing federal transportation investments. This independent entity will be directed to invest in our nation's most challenging transportation infrastructure needs. The Bank will receive an infusion of federal money, $60 billion over 10 years, to provide financing to transportation infrastructure projects across the nation. These projects will create up to two million new direct and indirect jobs and stimulate approximately $35 billion per year in new economic activity."
Update May 7th, 2012: Road bank BILL has not gone anywhere in Congress, hampered by Republicans who say it is not needed.
Increase funding for progams that conserve lands and habitat for select species such as the Osceola turkey "Will fight to increase funding for the Conservation Security Program and the major set-aside programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, and Grasslands Reserve Program, so that rental rates can compete with rising commodity prices; will direct the Departments of Agriculture and the Interior to place a special emphasis on restoration of habitat for important game species associated with specific regions of the United States, such as bobwhite quail and Eastern and Osceola turkey habitat in the South, ruffed grouse habitat in the Northeast, and sage grouse and pronghorn antelope habitat in the West;" and will support the use of tax incentives and other financial mechanisms to encourage private landowners to restore and protect habitat." Update May 7th, 2012: BILL was passed with much arguing from many Republicans.
Lift the payroll tax cap on earnings above $250,000
"Barack Obama believes that the first place to look to strengthen Social Security is the payroll tax system. Obama believes that one strong option is increasing the maximum amount of earnings covered by Social Security by lifting the payroll tax cap on only earnings above $250,000."
Update April 30th, 2012: Payroll tax cap unchanged - Republicans refuse to budge on this, being influenced by Corporations.
Create a retirement savings tax credit for low incomes
A tax credit for retirement savings up to $500 (couples) or $250 (singles). Phases out when incomes exceed $65,000 (couples) or $32,500 (single). Indexed for inflation.
Update April 30th, 2012: New retirement savings credit has not happened thanks for Republicans in Congress.
Require health care providers to report preventable medical errors
"Require providers to report preventable medical errors, and support hospital and physician practice improvement to prevent future errors."
Update April 30th, 2012: Affordable Care Act encourages health providers to report ‘hospital acquired conditions’ but is NOT mandatory. Obama has to give on this to Republicans to get the BILL passed.
Require providers to report measures of health care costs and quality
"Require hospitals and providers to collect and publicly report measures of health care costs and quality, including data on preventable medical errors, nurse staffing ratios, hospital-acquired infections, and disparities in care and costs."
Update April 30th, 2012: Affordable Care Act ramps up carrots and sticks for health providers to collect, report data but there is no teeth in the ACT. Obama had to compromise on this with House Republicans.
Create a mortgage interest tax credit for non-itemizers
"Create a refundable tax credit equal to 10 percent of mortgage interest for nonitemizers, up to a maximum credit of $800."
Update April 27th, 2012: Still no mechanism for non-itemizers. Fought by Republicans in both Houses of Congress.
Support regional innovation clusters
"Will create a federal program to support 'innovation clusters' – regional centers of innovation and next-generation industries. This innovation clusters program will provide $200 million in planning and matching grants for regional business, government and university leaders to collaborate on leveraging a region's existing assets – from transportation infrastructure to universities – to enhance long-term regional growth. Planning grants will be used to help seed local discussions about developing innovation clusters, and matching grants will help assist states with a variety of activities needed to build successful innovation clusters, including building research parks, workforce attraction efforts, supporting regional transportation projects tied to developing clusters, and bolstering local job training.
Update April 27th, 2012: Cluster spending exceeds Obama's goals for this. After much arguing with both Democrats and Republicans in both Houses, funding was approved.
Recently President Obama came out for equality for gay and lesbians in their quest to be able to marry and have the same legal rights as married heterosexual couples. It took him 4 years to do this. I have stated for years that regardless of who you love, one should be able to marry who they love and have the same legal rights as anyone else. The present laws against gay marriage is in my opinion not only unconstitutional but spritually wrong. The Conversative religious rights certainly has a right to their beliefs regarding this very heated subject that does not need to be a heated subject in my opinion. No one group has the right to force their religious beliefs on any other group. In this country we have religious freedom and what is being crusaded by the religious right is just that. They are trying to make everyone believe as they do. This mentality is not AMERICA and what she stands for. Freedom and Justice for ALL.
Romney Track Record and What He is Running On:
The following is what Romney is running his campaign on in the following areas:
Romney Immigration
Romney, like everyone else, believes the immigration system is broken. Romney is sticking with the plan that has proven not to work that was instituted by the Bush Adminstration. Such border security includes a high tech electronc fence and more border patrol officers, support for employment verification program E-Verify, and turning ofg programs like in-state tuition for undocumented students and drivers’ licenses. Romney also opposes amnesty laws. His end goal, he told a Florida audience, is to increase self-deportation, a process of systematically denying immigrants access to services and income in order to get them to leave the country. The problem with self-deportation simple does not work. One report from the Center for American Progress explains that it drives immigrants to more welcoming areas or underground which causes up more problems in such areas as illegal drugs and other crimes.
Romney Criminal Justice Reform
Reform of the justice system has been slow for decades making its way into the conservative mainstream. The only reason why Republicans are now addressing what Democrats have been trying to get done is thanks to Republican policies too many people are in jail, they’re costing the states too much money, and they’re dying there—often for minor, drug-related crimes. Last year, a conservative prison reform advocate told us that too many non-violent offenders are filling up jail cells. Even GOP candidate Newt Gingrich got in on the act, putting his name on an op-ed supporting reform. Romney has not shown any interest in talking about reform.
Romney Unemployment
The unmployment rate is slowly and steadily moving downward from 2008 levels, it’s still twice as high for blacks as it is for whites. Romney’s plan for unemployment is, unsurprisingly, anti-government intervention. Cut taxes, “consolidate” job retraining programs, raise visa caps for highly skilled workers. He’d also support Right-To-Work laws, the policy that prevents unions from taking dues from workers who aren’t members in order to improve the working conditions of all employees. This ploy is simply to breakup unions. The present unemployment is a mess. The truth is, President Obama inherited this mess from George Bush. You can read my various articles on this what I wrote about in 2004, 2008 and 2010 about this problem. The links to these articles are at the bottom of this article. Romney's plan is to cut taxes.
There is NO evidence that cutting taxes would do anything to increase the number of workers companies bring on. The success of Romney’s policies would be, to an extent, up to the market which he plans to deregulate again if elected. And we all know what President Reagan's deregulation of banking in the 1980's and the markets did to us which caused the mortage meltdown and market collapse in 2008. I wrote and warned about this in my 2004 article of what was coming and the reasons why.
Job Loss and Unemployment Hit Records Highs - November 30, 2008
What Has Truly Caused the Job Losses and the Financial Meltdown
The Facts! February 20, 2010
Romney and Bain Capital Investments
Mitt Romney's has been stating that under his stewardship at the private equity firm Bain Capital, Bain helped create more than 100,000 jobs. The general consensus among fact checkers including this one is that the number is either inflated or based on questionable estimates and many of those jobs are due to outsourcing to other countries. Bain Capital is known for going in an purchasing up companies on the verge of bankruptcy. They then sell off the assets they don't want, and move operations to other countries.
Currently on its website, Bain has a section about strategies behind the outsourcing of information technology work.
It states:
We help clients ensure that IT offshoring and outsourcing decisions are based on business strategy and help set up deal structures, capability networks and sourcing agreements to deliver enduring results -- lower costs now and flexibility for the future. Strategic sourcing is the process by which organizations determine how to access the right IT and business capability at the right cost. Sourcing must be managed effectively across the four key dimensions of management, resources, services and business processes.
Outsourcing of IT or business processes is just one option of sourcing strategies, often unleashing tremendous value. With strategic sourcing, Bain can enable clients to ensure sourcing decisions are based on business strategy and to help set up sourcing agreements to deliver value now and flexibility for the future.
Romney Says One Thing and Does Another - Is This Hyprocrisy At It's Highest Form?
Recently, a Lowell-based solar technology company that received $1.5 million in state loans when Mitt Romney was governor of Michigan has filed for bankruptcy, opening the presumptive Republican presidential nominee to charges of hypocrisy.
Konarka Technologies revealed Friday that it had filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy protection and would fire its 80-person staff and liquidate its assets.
Romney has chided President Obama for investing $535 million in a different solar company that failed and insisted governments should not pick winners and losers in the private sector. He held a press conference at the Fremont, Calif. headquarters of that company, Solyndra, last Thursday, saying “free enterprise to the president means taking money from the taxpayers and giving it freely to his friends.”
Bottom Line About Romney and Bain Capital Investment - Not Good For American Workers
Romney’s Bain Capital Made Billions While Bankrupting
Nearly One-Quarter Of The Companies It Invested In
Bain’s standard mode of operation was to invest in companies, leverage them up with debt, and then sell them off for scrap, allowing Bain’s investors to walk away with huge profits while the companies in which Bain invested wound up in bankruptcy, laying off workers and reneging on benefits. This is what made Romney the millionaire he is today.
Last week, Reuters profiled one company, Worldwide Grinding Systems, that went belly up after Bain invested in it. The company not only lost 750 jobs, but the federal government had to come in to bail out its pension fund, while Bain walked away with millions in profits.
The Wall Street Journal, aiming for a comprehensive assessment, examined 77 businesses Bain invested in while Mr. Romney led the firm from its 1984 start until early 1999, to see how they fared during Bain’s involvement and shortly afterward.
Among the findings: 22% either filed for bankruptcy reorganization or closed their doors by the end of the eighth year after Bain first invested, sometimes with substantial job losses. An additional 8% ran into so much trouble that all of the money Bain invested was lost. The Journal analysis shows that in total, Bain produced about $2.5 billion in gains for its investors in the 77 deals, on about $1.1 billion invested. Overall, Bain recorded roughly 50% to 80% annual gains in this period, which experts said was among the best track records for buyout firms in that era.
And to make matters worse, Bain would hide its profits in tax havens in offshore accounts, not even paying the rate it was supposed to on the profits it made laying off workers.
Romney has tried to explain all this with his spins that his firm’s record of destruction is simply the way “free enterprise” works, claiming that Bain, overall, created 100,000 jobs. However, the campaign recently admitted that the 100,000 statistic is bogus. The bottom line to all of this is, as my grandmother once old me, "be careful of someone trying to sell you snake oil, especially if they are a politician."
Romney Entitlements
In May, 2012, Romney’s campaign ran a blistering rebuttal up over a slight from a Democratic strategist named Hilary Rosen. Rosen stated that Romney’s wife Ann had “never worked a day in her life.” The campaign went on the attack, pointing out—correctly—that being a stay-at-home mother actually is a lot of work. Still, that didn’t quite jibe with some messaging from Romney earlier this year, which MSNBC’s Chris Hayes picked up: “I wanted to increase the work requirement. I said, for instance, that even if you have a child two years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that’s heartless,’ and I said ‘No, no, I’m willing to spend more giving daycare to allow those parents to go back to work. It’ll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.’” It appears by that statement that Romney’s stay-at-home parenting is only work if the parent is middle class, it seems. Welfare reform has actually increased the number of families in poverty. While it means the government is spending less—and that work has become more attainable for some—it doesn’t mean that the neediest recipients are being catapulted into the middle class, but just the opposite. Those earning below the poverty level has risen to 14% of Americans since 2009.
A Lowell-based solar technology company that received $1.5 million in state loans when Mitt Romney was governor has filed for bankruptcy, opening the presumptive Republican presidential nominee to charges of hypocrisy.
Romney Health Care
Romney is very opposed to the Affordable Care Act. He vows to repeal it even if the Supreme Court doesn’t. Instead, he wants to turn health care over to the states and let them have the burden and cost to insure their residents. In 2000, 57.5 percent of black Americans had employer-sponsored health insurance. By 2010, that number fell below 50 percent, to 45.3. For black children, the drop was even steeper: employer sponsored health insurance fell 14.1 percentage points. Health care reform has filled in the gap for people who lost their employment and their health insurance. Moreover, it’s worth noting that even if the same number of jobs lost over the last five years comes back, they’re not the same quality jobs that existed before. Romney’s plan to deregulate health care could lead to more gaps in coverage and a heavier burden on individual states when (18) states are on the verhe of bankruptcy as it is. Despite what many believe, we need a one payer National Health Care program. We need to do away with profit making health insurance companies. Denmark did that 15 years ago and has one of the best medical care systems for their citizens in the world. Everyone is taxed the same rate and everyone has access to health, eye and dental care. England, Canada Germany, Sweden have one payer taxed health care systems where everyone has access to health care and they paying nothing.
In this month's October, 2012, AARP Magazine, reseachers have presented the truth and facts of ten myths that have been circulating falsely. Below are those ten myths to set the record straight.
The Media Noise Myths and Lies About The New Health Care Law
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in fact prohibits cuts to guaranteed Medicare benefits. There are provisions in the law to help curb the soaring costs of Medicare, but savings will come from reining in unreasonable payments to providers, taxing high-premium plans (beginning in the year 2018), cracking down on fraud and waste, and encouraging patient-centered, coordinated care, says Sara R. Collins, Ph.D., vice president of the Commonwealth Fund, a private research foundation focused on health care.
The ACA also covers preventive care designed to avert chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes, which currently cost billions. Medicare beneficiaries get an annual wellness exam as well as numerous screenings and vaccines free of charge. The new system also improves coordination of care between doctors, nurses and other providers to prevent harmful and costly hospital readmissions.
Finally, the law closes the infamous Medicare Part D prescription drug "doughnut hole;' in which Medicare beneficiaries paid full price for prescription drugs after exceeding a certain dollar limit each year. Now enrollees who reach the doughnut hole get large discounts, and by 2020, the hole will close.
The ACA does not eliminate Medicare Advantage plans, which are privately administered plans plans that provide benefits to about a quarter of Americans with Medicare. These plans were created to bring market efficiencies to Medicare, but they actually cost taxpayers 14 percent more per enrollee than the traditional Medicare program does. The ACA aims to bring costs back into line. "The plans are still required to provide at least the same benefits as those available through traditional Medicare plans," says Stuart Guterman, vice president of the Commonwealth Fund. "And for the first time, the law ensures that plans that perform better will be paid better, so the care they provide should improve."
"If your current plan allows you to see any physician in the plan, nothing will change," says Shana Alex Lavarreda, Ph.D., director of health insurance studies at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Health plans are already building bigger networks in anticipation of new patients, so choices could be even greater.
Although the law doesn't specifically address wait times, many of its provisions are aimed at improving quality of care, including some that encourage more physicians to become primary care doctors.
Some people have confused the ACA's "individual man-date" with a requirement to obtain additional insurance on top of Medicare. "That's just not accurate," says Guterman. "Medicare beneficiaries will continue to have Medicare, and there's no requirement that they get additional coverage beyond what they already have."
It's simply not true. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Congress's independent and nonpartisan budget scorekeeper, recently estimated that the changes to Medicare in the ACA will reduce spending by a total of $716 billion between 2013 and 2022."That's where the number comes from:' says Guterman.
The largest portion of these savings would come from changes to provider payments and correcting overpayments to insurance companies that offer private Medicare plans."And that projected savings will be used to close the prescription drug 'doughnut hole'; to pay for free, preventive care for consumers; and to increase coverage for the uninsured;' Lavarreda says. All guaranteed benefits in Medicare were protected. These measures actually strengthen Medicare's fiscal viability: Before the ACA was passed, Medicare's Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, which is used to pay hospital bills for Medicare beneficiaries, was projected to run out of money by 2017; after the law was passed, that date was pushed back to 2024.
Not according to the CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation, nonpartisan entities that estimated
health reform will actually reduce the nation's deficit by $210 billion between 2012 and 2021, by reducing subsidies to private insurance companies, cracking down on waste and fraud and reining in profits. "If we don't get health care spending under control, that's going to bankrupt America," says Shannon Brownlee, acting policy director at the New America Foundation, a nonpartisan think tank.
That's an unlikely scenario. "A significant number of the uninsured people who will be brought into the system with the ACA are the `young invincibles,"' says the New America Foundation's Brownlee, describing the 18-to-29 age group. "Their relative good health helps to subsidize care for less healthy people." The law also strengthens states' power to question unreasonable rate increases, whether because of age, preexisting conditions or any other reason. And the law's "medical loss ratio requirement" dictates that 80 to 85 percent of premiums be spent on medical costs. As of August 1, approximately 12.8 million Americans received an estimated $1.1 billion in rebates from insurance companies in cases where overhead expenses exceeded 15 to 20 percent of premiums charged in 2011.
As for Medicare Part B premiums (which cover doctors' services and outpatient care), those are determined by a formula designed decades ago by Congress, based on the previous year's Medicare health care costs. In essence, the government pays 75 percent of Part B costs, and Medicare beneficiaries pay the remaining 25 percent. The law did not change this formula. (There is no truth to a rumor that Part B premiums will rise from $99.90 a month in 2012 to $247.
If you can't afford health insurance because of financial hardship (if the cheapest plan exceeds 8 percent of your income), you will be exempt from the tax penalty. Special taxes (from $95 the first year to $695 a year by 2017) will be phased in over the next seven years for those who choose to forgo coverage. Even then, the government will not criminally prosecute or place property liens on people who ignore the tax. At worst, the IRS will withhold the tax amount from individuals' tax refunds.
Small businesses that already provide health insurance will not be affected. "Penalties for not providing health cover-age apply only to companies with 50 or more workers:' says the Commonwealth Fund's Collins. In fact, many small companies will be eligible for tax credits to offset the burden of providing insurance. From now through 2013, eligible employers will receive a business credit for up to 35 per-cent of their contribution toward employees' premiums. For 2014 and beyond, the tax credit rises to as much as 50 percent of the contribution. These credits apply to companies with fewer than 25 full-time employees whose average annual salaries are less than $50,000. Companies with more than 50 workers that don't provide coverage will be subject to a fine of $2,000 to $3,000 per employee per year.
Health care under the ACA will not be government run. "The law builds on and strengthens the existing private insurance system," says Collins. "Fifty to 60 percent of people will continue to get insurance through an employer, and people who are buying their own insurance will still buy private health plans. The choice of plan is not dictated, and you'll be able to choose the provider you want-no government bureaucrat involved."
The health care system envisioned by the law aims to be universal in one way: by making health insurance accessible to the vast majority of Americans. "That's a good thing," says Brownlee. "We'll have more people covered."
Find more information on the Affordable Care Act at http://www.aarp.org/healthlawguide and http://www.aarp.org/getthefacts
What Health Care Costs In Other Counties
FACT:According to 2008 CDC data health care costs associated with heart disease and diabetes alone in the U.S., $448.5 billion or 52% of total U.S. health care costs is spent on heart disease and $174 billion or 20% of total health care costs spent in the U.S. is spent on the treatment of diabetes. ( Be sure to read the information below on the new documentary, inGREEDients about this ).
FACT: The large profit make health care companies make billions off the current health care system and are contributing millions to politicians to make sure we don't end up with Nation Health Care.
FACT: A National Health Insurance Program is paid for with taxes that replace premiums. BUT, the taxes WOULD BE lower than what most people already spend on the current health care for a bad system. For example, the Danish health system (currently the most popular in the world) costs only 6.7% of GDP compared to our 13.6% of GDP. At half the cost, the Danish cover everyone. Hello ....the U.S. spends twice the cost and we leave 48 million adults and 15 million children uninsured! What I am trying to get people to understand here is this. If we had a national health program tax, but did not have to pay health insurance preminums to profit greedy insurance corporations, the taxes would be
LOWER than the preminums that businesses and individuals are paying now and EVERYONE would be covered!
You will not lose any type of coverage. Benefits of a Universal Health Care Program are designed from a cross section of all existing benefits that are being provided from current insurance programs including MEDICARE. Actually
benefits would increase and actual out of cash expenditures will be less. If profit making health insurance companies are eliminated - the coverages and benefits are standard across the board. You will not pay more, you will actually pay LESS as given in the examples, the country as a whole will pay less for MORE and BETTER health care! This is not rocket science by any means because it has already been done in other countries, but most importantly, the bottom line is,
the U.S. cannot stay on its' current health care system - IT WILL BANKRUPT the country. Why? Because profit must be taken out of the health insurance care business - it is the GREED that has gotten us into this mess.
Over 25 cents of every health care dollar is wasted on paperwork, advertising, and
multimillion-dollar CEO salaries and other things patients neither need nor want.
As for the much-criticized health care system in Canada and England, let me point out the facts:
Canada's health care costs made up only 3 tenths of their GNP in 2008, whereas the U.S. was almost two and half times that. Their life expectancy is greater than ours and they have less numbers of serious disease states being treated
per that of population percentanges. For some reason though, our infant mortality rate is slighty greater than theirs.
I believe this is because more Canadian mothers are much younger than the average mother in the U.S. and do not care about their bodies and health while carrying the fetus. One thing Canadians do not believe in, if an infant is born with multiple life problems, they do provide extraordinary critical care life saving measures such as heart and lung machines to keep the infant alive. They let nature and God takes its course.
The MAIN problem in Canada and also England where they are having the same problem concerning waiting lists is not because they have a Universal Health Care Program - it is because they have a shortage of Doctors, Nurses, Lab Techs and Medical Technicians to run the MRI's, Catscans and other medical devices. Canada started going through a baby boomer retiring problem seven years earlier than us. England nearly ten years earlier than us. There simply is not enough DOCTORS to go around in these countries and folks ---guess what regardless what we do with health care in this country - you better get prepared - we are going to have the same problem in this country in five years when the baby boomer generation really starts retiring and goes on MEDICARE.
Canada has a population smaller than California. Approximately 830,000 Canadians are currently waiting to be admitted to a hospital or to get treatment, according to reports. In England, the waiting list is 1.8 million. Why is this? In Canada they only have one Doctor for every 3,000 or so patients. In England, it is worse, only one Doctor for every 4,500 people. The U.S. is quickly approaching those numbers as baby boomers are retiring. We have a shortage of Doctors in this country and Congress was warned about this 20 years ago. Why do you think they are allowing these Doctors from India and Pakistan into the country to practice medicine without having to fullfill a residency at a hospital? Our health care is only going to get worse unless this more important issue of a shortage of Doctors, Nurse and other medical personnel is addressed in this country - however, I'm afraid it is too late. It takes 8 years for a Doctor to go to medical school, fulfill a residency before he can open up shop and also be indebt of over $250,000 by that time.
In Denmark, the government pays the tutition of those wanting to be Doctors or Nurses. In addition, they pay people to become Doctors and Nurses approximately $600 a month to become a Doctor or Nurse in Denmark. When Denmark first started this many years ago, they had people moving to Denmark from other countries who, became citizens to get this FREE medical education. What they found was, many of these people would then move back to their countries and Denmark after getting their medical degrees. Denmark realized that unless they changed this they would have a shortage of Doctors as well. They changed it to receive this FREE medical education they had to be born in Denmark. This is what we must do in the U.S. That is why in Denmark they do not have this problem and why they have the best Universal Health Care Program in the world. By the way, Denmark banned hydrogenated oils several years ago because they knew the dangers they posed to the human body. Why is it that in America we are the last to correct something that is damaging? I will tell you - GREED!
What angers me about the politicians in Washington is they are not addressing this critical issue and have ignored it for twenty years when they were warned about this problem then in different reports and studies done on this problem. Those are the cold hard facts folks - but are any of these politicans talking or addressing this problem? No, they are only addressing the issues by the special interests groups that donate to their campaigns.
I'm sorry, but I also believe that if an infant is born with serious illnesses, extraordinary means should not be taken such as heart and lung machines to keep the infant alive if the outcome is poor and the child is going to be left mentally damaged. For example, a woman in California gave birth to a premature baby that had multiple heart and lung development problems, in addition to having physical deformaties. At the cost of nearly one million dollars, ( tax payer dollars because the woman was an illegal immigrant and on welfare ) over a 6 week period this infant was kept alive by artificial means and then the infant died.
Do not get me wrong, all life is precious, but I 'm sorry, when such an infant is born, extraordinary means such as this when there were so many problems, expensive extraordinary means should be utilized or spent. Let God and nature take its course here. This has been the problem in this country because of the profit driven mechanism of our health care system. We have promoted a life saving agenda regardless in cases like this of the cost. Why? GREED - because in this case the profit making hospital can bill the state for keeping the infant alive. And for another reason, people because they think medical technology can do anything have forgotten that there is what is called a "quality of life" and who is going to care for these people as adults and who is going to pay for that care? Many will think I am being in-human and uncaring in these statements, but I truly am not. I am looking at this problem without colored glasses on. I am seeing it for what it is.
We must re-evaluate our thinking pertaining to such thoughts and practices and use common sense. There is no way this infant was ever going to survive and if by some miracle it did, who was going to pay for the care of this person from an infant into an adult. Right now in this country, we have over 250,000 such individals that are on various welfare problems costing states hundreds of millions of dolllars annually. Most of these individuals are also basically brain dead requiring constant medical care as adults. Yes, we must keep our human compassion, but we also need to simply let God and nature take its' course at times and not prolong life that really should not be prolonged. We have got to stop playing God in this country about life and death pertaining to such individuals. Leave it up to God.
Who is more accurate in their statements - Obama or Romney?
According to Politifact.com which won a Nobel Peace Price in journalism, has fact checked statements on both Obama and Romney. President Obama is more accurate in his statements. Mitt Romney according to Politifact.com is grossly inaccurate 10% of the time versus 1% of President Obama's statements.
President Obama DID NOT, I repeat DID NOTcreate the bulk of the $16.1 trillion dollar debt we have today. President Obama inherited a debt of $11.4 trillion from the Bush Administration. Another $1.4 trilllion was created to bail out the banks and car companies to prevent a Depression worse than the 1929 one. This would not have happened if the Bush Adminstration and Republicans had been doing their job for middle class America instead of the corporations. The remaining nearly $1 trillion is debt borrowing for the funding of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan the last two years. We cannot balance the budget due to the incompetence of the elected officials, pork barrel projects by nearly every member of Congress. This has been going on in Washington since the mid 1980's. Our elected officials have not been working for middle class working America, but instead for the interest of corporations.
And so that those of you that have read this article, I am not think a Liberal Democrat. I am an Independent, I make this statement as well. There were some Democrat politicians that are as much to blame as the Republicans. So the point I am making is, it has to do with the facts of who was NOT working for middle class working America, however, the truth and facts are; Republicans have always been for the corporations, bankers and the rich, not the working class. They may come across as they do care for working middle class America, but all you have to do is check their voting records and you will see this fact on how they have been bought by the lobbyists working for the corporations for the last fifty years or so. And in case you do not know about the dangers of hydrogenated oils... In 1996, I was the first journalist to write about the dangers of hydrogenated oils and aspartame. Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers Aspartame - Sweetness or Death - Also Known As Equal
Thanks to Mothers across the country that after reading these columns which have been continously updated since with the latest research, the health of American and especially children is improving. We also got the new FDA labeling requirements of trans-fats on products in 2000. Trans-fats are a nasty by product of the hydrogenation process of oils causing heart disease, diabetes and even cancers. Both columns have been read by over 50 million readers worldwide since 1996. I receive emails all the time from readers across the globe. In addition, two years ago I was the content, creative and journalists consultant on the documentary, inGREEDients. You can read more about it, inGREEDients. This documentary has been shown both in America and in Europe and is saying millions of lives. If you are curious about where your tax dollars are going, the following is broken down for you by national priorities.org. This visual image is by: Chico News and Reviews.
The top (3) expenditures are the Military at 27 cents out of every dollar, Medicare and Social Services, 21.5 cents out of every dollar and Interest on the debt, 14.5 cents out of every dollars, followed by Social Security at 12.2 cents out of every dollars.
The question all of us should be asking ourselves and telling the politicans is this.
When are we going to tell the politicians to stop all this negative campaigning and all this arguing over who it right or wrong and start fixing our problems, we are running out of time ?
Americans know that their purchasing power is down, prices are increasing, but does the average American worker know how much wealth Americans have lost during this last recession? A Federal Reserve report to be released on Monday, June 11th, shows the severity how much Americans have lost of their wealth during this last recession.
The median family's net worth dropped 38.8 percent during the three-year period, the Fed said in its latest report on changes in U.S. Family Finances, derived from a survey of consumer finances. This is the biggest drop in net worth since the survey started in 1989. The median net worth, which is the value of assets minus debt, plunged to $77.3 trillion in 2010 from $126.4 trillion in 2007. Net worth in 2010 was at levels last seen in 1992.
The following shows you in simple terms what is wrong with Washington and who they truly care about.
Here are some more other startling facts you are not being told of.
A critical document from President Barack Obama's free trade negotiations with eight Pacific nations was leaked online early Wednesday morning, revealing that the administration intends to bestow radical new political powers upon multinational corporations, contradicting prior promises.
It has been posted on the website of Public Citizen,http://www.citizenstrade.org/ctc/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/tppinvestment.pdf a long-time critic of the administration's trade objectives. The leak follows substantial controversy surrounding the secrecy of the talks, in which some members of Congress have complained they are not being given the same access to trade documents that corporate officials receive.
Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch said in a written statement, "The outrageous stuff in this leaked text may well be why U.S. trade officials have been so extremely secretive about these past two years of [trade] negotiations."
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) has been irritated by the lack of access as as to introduce legislation requiring further disclosure. House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) in retaliation has leaked a separate document from the talks on his website. Other Senators are considering writing a letter to Ron Kirk, the top trade negotiator under Obama, demanding more disclosure.
This new document is one of the most controversial of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. It addresses a broad sweep of regulations governing international investment and reveals the Obama administration's advocacy for policies that environmental activists, financial reform advocates and labor unions have long rejected for eroding key protections currently in domestic laws.
Under the agreement currently being advocated by the Obama administration, American corporations would continue to be subject to domestic laws and regulations on the environment, banking and other issues. But here is where the controversy is. Foreign corporations operating within the U.S. would be permitted to appeal key American legal or regulatory rulings to an international tribunal. That international tribunal would be granted the power to overrule American law and impose trade sanctions on the United States for failing to abide by its rulings. These terms that Obama has back tracked on run contrary to campaign promises issued by Obama and the Democratic Party during the 2008 campaign.
Americans need to start contacting their Congressmen and demand that they demand full disclosure on this agreement. This type of agreement should not and I repeat be allowed to be made by any President. These are critical decisions that can impact the economy of America and these type of agreements need to be agreed upon by Americans and Congress, not by any President! These facts only validates the title of this column. This is why President Obama must be given another four years to finish cleaning up the mess that was left to him. We must stand behind him like these beautiful animals have done with their mates. We believed in him four years ago and he must continue to believe in him, otherwise America why did you vote for him in the first place four years ago? You simply cannot kick a dog when he has been beaten to the ground by things and issues that were not under his control or of his doing before he was elected. America, you must accept the facts as they are.
This picture below I must share with you. This was sent to me by someone that took this on a strawberry farm in California. It is self-explantory. I am sharing this with my readers so that the next time you think about purchasing strawberries, you might want to rethink purchasing them. Strawberries are loaded with cancer causing pesticides.
Please email the link of this article If you will send it to at least ten of your family and friends and ask them to send it to ten of their family and friends, we will have over 20 milion people knowing about this within ten days! All you have to do is copy and paste the following below that has the links into an email and send them to your family and friends. Dear family or friend: Please take the time to read the facts about Obama and Romney Obama and Romney - Politics As Usual http://www.dldewey.com/2012elect.htm Lastly....please visit... ClimateCrisis.net Official An Inconvenient Truth: Global Warming Effect Wesbite - Learn about , Global Warming Truth, Causes, Effects & Facts Pertaining To Climate Change That Is Real!
~ God Bless ~ ~ ~ David Lawrence Dewey
Last....please visit...
ClimateCrisis.net Official An Inconvenient Truth: Global Warming Effect Website - Learn about , Global Warming Truth, Causes, Effects & Facts Pertaining To Climate Change That Is Real!
Despite the global warming deniers that global warming is not occurring and not caused primarily by man, read the facts and data yourself. The truth will stop all this argument and just maybe the human race will start to address this problem before it is too late. We are almost at the tipping point. All one has to do is look at all the screwy weather we are seeing around the globe, severe droughts, massive abnormal flooding in other places.
One thing for sure, it is affecting the food supply and be prepared for food price increases from 5% to as much as 20% beginning in the fall due to crop failures around the globe. It is already estimated that a gallon of milk will increase up to 50 cents by the fall due to crop failures. Demand will outstrip supply, i.e. hay to feed the milk cows, increased price of hay due to crop failures. And it is just not hay for cows. I am talking about corn and wheat. Do you know how many foods use by products of corn and wheat? Over 10,000 products from dairy to packaged foods, and even some cosmetics. Everything will be affected as the weather worsens. Do I need to provide you with other facts to convince you that global warming is real and is primarily caused by man? I have, read my articles on global warming, the links are below. So..what are you going to do about it America?
Below are links to my previous columns concerning the truth and facts you need to know.
GreenMedInfo.com provides free and convenient access to the biomedical research on the therapeutic value of natural substances and modalities in disease prevention and treatment. This is an excellent website where you can check on various herbs and ingreidents in supplements. You can also subscribe to their newsletter. Just click on the image below.
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Do you care about your health, the health of your children, your family?
Then make sure you read my column:
Hydrogenated Oils - Silent Killers
Learn the truth about these deadly oils in our food supplies
Read about Greta Ferebee's and my efforts in a nationwide petition campaign to get these and other toxins out of the food supply. VISIT our website:
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