![]() "Truth Is What Matters" © copyrighted Election '08 What You Should Also Know... And Think About October 22, 2008 | by columnist David Lawrence Dewey "Reading provides knowledge... knowledge leads to answers." October 22, 2008 |
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The election is less twelve days away from what many are saying is the most important of this century. Is that an understatement? I don't believe so.
You have been listening to all of the negative commercials from both sides and I could bombard you with more details concerning both candidates Senator Obama and Senator McCain, but I believe there are other issues that all of us need to also be thinking about.
Many say our world is changing in many ways. This is partially true but in fact, it has been continuously changing since man arrived on earth due to advances in technology along the way. The problem is, man has never really addressed many of the social problems, instead using those problems, those differences for their own selfish reasons. reasons. Not only do we here in the United States have many problems that have been festering and left untreated for decades, the world has for the last 2,000 years. Let us focus on recent events for now.
What Changed That Caused The Financial Crisis
Our present financial crisis is simply a repeat of history. It isn't anything new. This very thing, mortgages and loss of jobs in America is what caused the Depression in 1933. We also saw another repeat of the same things when major Savings and Loans Associations failed in the 1980's. And now we find ourselves in the same mess again. Why?
This is what started it. In the 1980's, under President Reagan's administration, the de-regulation of the banking industry opened pandora's box so to speak that lead to this financial melt down again. The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, a United States federal financial statute law passed in 1980, was suppose to give the Federal Reserve greater control over non-member banks. Remember the words non-member banks. What that meant was banks that were not really banks. Investment funds, hedge funds and what was today would be called sub-prime lenders. Its main purpose was to force all banks to abide by the Fed's rules. It also allowed banks to merge. It also allowed insurance companies to own banks and banks to sell insurance. Bad move! President Clinton in 1999 made the situation worse by signing into law allowing Hedge Funds Act, actually called the GRAMM-LEACH-BILEY FIANCIAL SERVICES MODERNIZATION ACT to buy and then to sell mortgage assets to overseas investors.
Phil Graham is the Republican Senator who got voted out office in 2006. He also was the one that recently said on Larry King Live, "Americans need to stop whining."
But What Was The Real Reason For the Financial Crisis?
What Actions Has Man Used Out Of Greed
Man has used excuses to fight wars because of his GREED. What are they?
Mankind from all faiths of religion, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, even American Indians have used these actions since the dawn of time.
Because every religion, including Christianity as evident in this country justifying slavery by using Old Testament text...every religion has created wars and kill their fellow man over religious difference. An example of this was this week in Afghanistan, the Taliban killed 34-yeard-old dual British-South African, Gayle Williams. Williams was an aide worker in Afghanistan helping the handicapped in Afghanistan and there are many, especially children that have been injured because of the war. Why did the Taliban kill Williams? She was simply a Christian. They accused her of spreading her false beliefs in Afghanistan. Another example is in the northern part of Iraq. Thousands of Christians are fleeing that part of the country because they are systematically being murdered by religious terrorists because they are Christian. When is this madness going to stop. It won't stop until these people that are being used by the Taliban and by Osama Bin Ladin are educated. It is proven throughout history that the least educated are the very segment of a society that is used by men like the Taliban and Osama Bin Ladin. Hitler was another example. Hilter murdered over 6 million Jews? Why? Religion. He preyed on the least educated in Germany, making them believe the Germans were the superior race, that they were the chosen people. And Hitler wanted to be the "KING" of the world, just as Caesar did in ancient Rome.
People are suppose to be equal right? Wrong... man is not equal even still to this day in the U.S. and in many places of the world.
PROFIT has always been behind the scenes in every war man has fought. Mankind has had democracies, dictorships, theocracies, and what is interesting is, if you study history, all of these different societies eventually failed throughout history. Why? Because mankind still has not learned how to "love thy brother as he loves himself."
How do this things tie into this election? It is the issues and things that have been wrong in this country for so long and it is because of these reasons I've explained that CHANGE MUST TAKE PLACE if our society is to survive and does not fall apart.
You ask what issues and things? Here are just some of the deep issues that have been facing our country for decades.
An adulterated food supply, laced with mankind chemicals, dyes, additives, hydrogenated oils, chemical sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup that pigs won't even eat are causing hordes of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, auto-immune disease, autism and the list goes on. Yet, we just sit on our behinds and do nothing will health costs spiral out of country as Americans die needlessly from this corrupted food supply. If we do not make our government and those elected representatives who are suppose to be watching out for our welfare... who is suppose to? Our country was formed on the principle it is a country "by the people, of the people and for the people". So why do we still have an adulterated food supply. Why is that? Is it because corporations have politicians in their back pockets paid for through political contributions?
Many forms of discrimination are alive and well in this country. Why do we pass laws that deprive other segments of our society the same privileges and legal protection as other groups. I am talking about people of the same sex being allowed to marry and have the same protections as other citizens. Why do we think we have the right to deprive them of this that other enjoy. Religion This must end.
Less government is NOT BETTER for a society. For those that say less Government is better, this is not correct. When a government make less regulations to protect the poor, the less educated, the less informed... there are always those because of GREED who will take advantage of that segment of society. And example of that is our back door military draft in this country. I say back door, because who does the military target first to enlist. It is financially poor young men and women, not the middle class. The military sets up recruiting offices in poor neighborhoods and shopping malls. It is men and women who have come mostly from financially poor segments of our society. It is they who are fighting the war in Iraq. Our financial mess is another very good example. No one is talking about how the banking deregulation acts created this mess.
14 million children under the age of 12 go to bed hungry everything in this country. Why does this still exist in the richest and most so called religious country in the world? Please answer that for me?
Over 45 million Americans have no health insurance, no doctor, and can only access medical care through an emergency room which costs the rest of society a fortune. Common sense dictates it would be cheaper to have everyone be insured, even if government insured. Why? It is proven that preventative care that catches health problems before they become worse health problems is far cheaper than how we are doing this today. What and who is in the way of having Universal Health Coverage for everyone. The insurance companies and the politicians. Why? Because people scream this is socialism. My friends, we already have socialism in this country. An example. On military bases, there is what is called a PX Base Exchange. The Government subsidizes these PX stores where the food, and many of the same things the average citizen pays 30 to 40% more. This is socialism, but many will call it a benefit of being in the military. It is still a form of socialism because when you have government subsidizing any group or anything of a society, that is socialism. Farm subsidies is another form of socialism. By the way, the recent funding of our government to "bail out" these financial institutions is also socialism.
Eliminating tarrifs has caused the loss of over 8 million jobs in this country over the last ten years. When tariffs on many and most products imported into this country were removed, this was the beginning of a serious cascade effect that would effect its' citizens in the worst. More and more jobs in the U.S. were lost because corporations could make the product cheaper being made overseas and get tax credits by opening factories overseas. The NAFTRA act pushed through by Clinton was one biggest blunders this country ever did. And Bush's failed economic and energy policies have only hurt the little guy while making the richer richer. Wal-mart is the biggest culprit in the loss of jobs in this country by demanding to all of their suppliers to "make the product" cheaper or Wal-Mart would not continue to buy it. They caused the massive migration of jobs to manufacturing operations in China, Indonesia, India and Pakistan. 15 years ago, there were over 14,000 textile, ( clothing, linen, making cloth ) and other manufacturing facilities in the U.S. Today, there are less than 2,100. Another example when tariffs were done away with was on incoming steel imports. When tarrifs on imported steel were lifted...the country's steel industry collapsed and thousands of jobs were lost. Bethlehem Steel, who had been making steel in this country for over 110 years, closed it's doors because they could not compete with the price China and South Korea was selling steel. Workers who once earned $20.00 an hour jobs were now having to work 30 hrs at Wal-Mart for $7.50 an hour and no health insurance. And why is it that our own government buys steel from China and South Korea to make our military tanks? Yes, I said military tanks! Could anyone please explain to me how this benefits America buying our steel from China to make our tanks?
Corporate political control in Washington must end. The whole political campaign funding laws need to re-done to exclude corporations or their executives from donating more than $1,000 total to any candidate. That will prevent politicians being bought and paid for by these corporations. And no more of these "private political groups" creating non-profit organizations so they can donate hundreds of millions of dollars to politicians. This must end.
Education has fallen dramatically behind in this country. We are no longer producing Einsteins in the country. Our engineering mentality has gone down the tubes.
Parents need to start raising their children with principles and values. Even if that means taking away their cells phones, computers and television sets. We have been raising a bunch of spoiled brats who when they become adults are so dysfunctional, they have to move back in with Mommy and Daddy because they can't make it on their own.
Global Warming. This is for real. If all of us around the globe don't start together working to correct what MAN has done to the environment... mankind will cause the next ice age and mankind will almost be wiped out again. Anyone with any intelligence, all they have to do is look at satellite images of our North and South Poles and of Greenland of ten years ago versus last year, and it is visually seen. The Arctic sea is melting at such an accelerated rate now, that if something is not begun now, in 30 years, the Arctic sea and most of the North Pole will be gone and there will be no seasons anymore on earth. Temperatures will have climbed an average of 12 degrees worldwide. There will be water and food shortages...more wars mankind will fight over these resources.
We must STOP the deforestation of the Rain Forest in South America. The deforestion of the rain forest in South America for GREED must end. Ruthless thugs have literally been murdering Indian Tribes in South America, like in Brazil to cut down the rain forest for lumbar and then to raise cattle or plant farms for "exporting" foods of all places, CHINA. China's population has doubled in size in the last 20 years. It no longer can grow its' own food supply needs. Twenty years ago, China did not import any food except for wheat. It was able to grow enough for its' population. Today, China has to import nearly 27% of its' food supply. Where is it getting it from? Countries in South America. Why? Deforestation of the rain forest for GREED Why is this important. The rain forest in South America are the "lungs" of Mother Earth. It creates nearly 20% of the oxegen in the world that mankind breathes. Most important, it is what stabilizes world weather patterns because of the jet streams that flow through South America. But the jet streams are changing due to the deforestation.
Today, you can view satellite images of areas of the rain forest that has been cleared. Areas the size of Arizona. And in Brazil, the government is not doing a thing to crack down on the thugs who murder innocent indigenous people to acquire their lands. WHY? GREED We must not purchase any beef, produce or other foods from Brazil until this is stopped. And we need to stop buying produce from other countries like Mexico. The risk of salmonella is too great to expose Americans to this potential.
Energy independence. If the government did two things we would be free of foreign oil in (3) years not (10). Number one... force automobile makers to make cars that got at least 50 miles to the gallon within (3) years, ( it can be done, systems have already been invented that get this ). Second...pay to have installed on every home in this country, ( cost is approximately $14,5000 ) for a self-sustaining solar power electrical generating system, we would no longer have to import foreign oil. By installing a self-generating solar power electrical generating system on every home in this country, the excess it would generate would go back into the power grid and provide all of the country's electrical needs. We would not have to build any more nuclear power plants!
Instead of a $85 billion bail out and then another $700 billion bailout, why didn't our country simply pay part of every Americans mortgage? It would have been cheaper because if you think this $785 billion is the end of this, think again. Within the next 3 months, addtional monies will be needed to bail out these crooks that created this mess even more.
Instead of bailing out these crooks, the government should have taken the $750 billion and paid $50,000 towards the principle on the estimated 200 million home owners in this country. That would have solved the mortgage crisis, freed up credit. People could then refinance their homes to a lower payment and keep their homes. Part of this deal would be, they could only refinance their mortgage for the lower payment after receiving this $50,000 payment only the one time for five years. They would not sell their home for 5 years either. This would stabilize property values as well and the economy. Inflation and the recession would end because people would have more money to spend. Another important part of this deal would be that banking would be reformed. Insurance companies could no longer invest in mortgages. Only "real" banks under strict supervisory controls. Mortgages would strictly be limited to banks and either Fanny May or Freddie Mac. No more sub-prime lenders or secondary markets could invest or buy mortgages. This would end permanently where crooks could ever cause this crisis again. And how would this $750 billion be recouped by the government. By making Iraq start paying back the $1.5 trillion dollars we have already spent in Iraq to fight their war over there, by the way, this will be over $2 trillion by the time we get out of Iraq. They can pay it back in FREE oil. Now why didn't the politicians think of doing this?
Last...healthcare in this country. There should be no reason why every American has access to the same quality of medical care that even the rich enjoys and U.S. Senators and House of Representatives. We are the richest country on earth and we have over 45 million adult Americans and over 15 million children that does not access to quality medical care because they can't afford health insurance. Despite those that say universal health coverage is socialism - it is not. This is a right that every human being on this planet should have. It should not be parceled out to only the privileged. I have received emails over the years of people and even children literally dying from not having the same level of medical care that others have. So you know, if you are poor, Medicaid only pays for certain types of medical care concerning cancer and other diseases. The present health care insurance system in this country needs to be scrapped and all started over again. That includes Medicare. There needs to be only one so called insurance company and that is the government. Yes, I said it. Our government needs to be entity that provides this to all citizens. GREED and PROFIT must be taken out of this equation. Human life is not about PROFIT and that is what our present health care system is based on. GREED and PROFIT. If you want to throw religion in here, then if we truly are a Christian nation, then why are we double speaking on this issue. The hypocrisy must stop.
I could continue to list issues and problems that we have been ignoring in this country for decades... but there is not enough room in this column to list them all. Besides, you know what the other problems are. And that is why "CHANGE" must take place. Every politician in Washington, whether it be from any political party, if they don't start doing what is needed in Washington, then they need to be voted out. This includes all the "old-timers" that have been there who more or less have been sitting on their behinds not doing a thing about these problems and issues for decades.
Below however are the Voting Records of Obama and McCain on issues. Read them - they may help you to decide who to vote if you are still undecided.
Voting Record John McCain on issues. |
So...I end this column with these last thoughts. I have been writing about all of these issues for years. I forewarned people back in 2004 of rising gasoline prices and who would cause it, CHINA. I also have written numerous times about the impending financial melt down that would occur and why. Read my column, Eyes on China - The Price of Oil
The 2008 election is about much more than the candidates or who is the best qualified. It is about the issues that I have mentioned in this column and about you, the American citizen and what is best for all of us in this country. I stress all of us, not just certain segments of our country. Why? As our forefathers wrote our Constitution, they wrote it with this in mind.
Our country is based on, "By the people, of the people and for the people." The latter part, "for the people".... we have forgotten due to crooks who have taken over Washington for GREED and PROFIT.
I am speaking of the corporate control of our politicians. We can no longer ignore the issues that I have written about int his column.
And make sure you get out and VOTE It is not only your right, but your responsibility for living in a FREE country.
~David Lawrence Dewey
More Food For Thought
Okay, if you have not read my columns on hydrogenated oils and aspartame, read them, they will save your life. I am going to ask you these questions. Do you care enough and want to do something that will make a huge difference on your health, the health of your children and grandchildren? Then get involved in the American Health Reform Petition Campaign that I and housewife Greata Ferebee have started.
It is a simple Petition campaign where we ask you to collect only (12) signatures on a one page Petition, ( you can do this easily most likely by getting your fellow employees to sign it ) and mail it to the address show in Washington
and to your Senators and Congressman. Then simply give a blank Petition to each of the (12) you
are getting signatures from and ask them to do the same. Greta and I are striving for a minimum of ten million signatures at least to be mailed in. You also come back to the website to record the number of signatures you collected and mailed.
Do you think you can take the time to do this. Come-on, its' time to be a real American and stand up for something that right and larger than yourself! Make a difference! It is time to get these chemicals and other deadly poisons out of our food supply.
Read more about this Petition Campaign in my article:
The American Health Reform Nationwide Petition Campaign
Also visit our other website for this Petition Campaign to save your life and others.
Two last things. First, email this article to your friends.
The url is http://www.dldewey.com/wakeup.htm or use the form above to request an email be sent to your friends email addresses of this article.
We need to outlaw the use of any plastic bags in this country. Some European countries banned them over 20 years ago. England banned them ten years ago. People will simply have to start taking cloth bags with them to the grocery store. Do you know that a plastic trash bag takes 1,000 years to degrade in the trash dump. Do you realize the amount of land being used to dump these in and the energy it takes to make them? Do you know worldwide who is the largest user and polluter in my opinion, Wal-mart. Hello Walmart, when are you going to truly become concerned about our environment? Do a self ban yourself and make people bring cloth bags. And hello politicians in Washington, where is your head with this serious problem. I think we all know where it is.
For years I have said that truth and hope is seen through the eyes of children, especially dying children. Read my column, Hope Through The Eyes of Terminally ILL Children
In the United States, medical diagnosis and treatment is constrained by law to be the exclusive purview of state licensed practitioners. The diseases discussed on this site are serious, sometimes life threatening matters. Neither the content nor the intent of this column may or should be construed as the giving of medical advice or as recommending any treatment of any kind. The purpose of this column is to support informed discussions, to provide medical research links and and to help the patient identify the doctors who keep up with advances in their field.
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