- Actions can be seen in 20 years of my public service. (Feb 2008)
- Suggesting that I plagiarized Deval Patrick is silly. (Feb 2008)
- Wouldn't be running if I didn't think I was prepared. (Feb 2008)
- Don't seat MI & FL delegates; they're based on non-campaign. (Feb 2008)
- FactCheck: Ranked most liberal in Senate, based on 99 votes. (Feb 2008)
- The Clinton years were undeniably better than the Bush years. (Jan 2008)
- Turn the page on the failed politics & policies of the past. (Jan 2008)
- FactCheck: Obama praised GOP for having ideas, not GOP ideas. (Jan 2008)
- Objected to Republican ideas; did not compliment them. (Jan 2008)
- Made the right decisions that were not politically popular. (Jan 2008)
- Clinton earned a great relationship with African-Americans. (Jan 2008)
- Campaigning on change from the bottom up that King stood for. (Jan 2008)
- Despite attack email, pledges Allegiance & uses Bible. (Jan 2008)
- Attends church with press, to dispel rumors that he's Muslim. (Dec 2007)
- Ran for Congress in 2000 & lost. (Nov 2007)
- Gave away all Rezko "boneheaded" donations to charity. (Nov 2007)
- 2 years older than JFK when JFK ran for president. (Nov 2007)
- On "inexperience": he wrote policy books that media ignores. (Oct 2007)
- Don't know if life beyond earth; focus on life here on earth. (Oct 2007)
- Uses prayer to take stock of his moral compass. (Oct 2007)
- Registered 150,000 young Chicago area black voters in 1992. (Oct 2007)
- Criticizes voter cynicism from decades of disappointment. (Oct 2007)
- Reach out to faith community;faith has role in public square. (Sep 2007)
- Voted with Democratic Party 96.0% of 251 votes. (Sep 2007)
- Assigned RFK's Senate desk; invokes RFK regularly. (Feb 2007)
- Hopefund PAC donated $500K to Democratic Senate candidates. (Nov 2006)
- Convention speech understood country yearns for unity. (Oct 2006)
- Religious concerns ok, if translated into universal values. (Oct 2006)
- Post-1960s politics more about moral attitude than issues. (Oct 2006)
- Americans dislike partisanship--not solution like Dems think. (Oct 2006)
- Enlist the American people in the process of self-government. (Jan 2006)
- Unflinching progressive but ok to downstate conservatives. (Jul 2004)
- There's a call to evangelize in politics. (Apr 2004)
- I'm a big believer in the separation of church and state. (Apr 2004)
- Be strong or be clever and make peace. (Aug 1996)
- Guilt is a luxury that not everyone can afford. (Aug 1996)
- Go beyond the divisions so that the government can work. (Feb 2008)
- Life experiences taught me how to bring people together. (Feb 2008)
- People understand we must bring the country together. (Feb 2008)
- I have shown the right judgment to lead. (Feb 2008)
- Labels like "most liberal" prevent problem-solving. (Feb 2008)
- Overcome politics of demonizing opponents. (Jan 2008)
- Focus on Iraq, revising presidential power, and healthcare. (Dec 2007)
- If you join me I promise you we can change America. (Dec 2007)
- Resounds with American theme of overcoming burden of history. (Nov 2007)
- Cultivates comparison to Jack Kennedy. (Nov 2007)
- Campaigns assiduously in black churches. (Nov 2007)
- Viral video "I Got a Crush on Obama" by Obama Girl. (Nov 2007)
- Community politics: merges Alinsky & political activism. (Oct 2007)
- Apply lessons from both Goldwater and McGovern. (Oct 2007)
- Invites supporters to join him on "This Improbable Quest". (Oct 2007)
- Resolve "most electable" vs."most progressive" by being both. (Oct 2007)
- Turn the page: invite GOP & independents to join in agenda. (Sep 2007)
- People have an urgent desire for change in Washington. (Jul 2007)
- A "hopemonger", having seen the power of hope. (Jun 2007)
- Washington can change if we say: Yes we can. (Mar 2007)
- Source of his book title "Audacity of Hope" was a sermon. (Feb 2007)
- Replace partisan bickering with politics of hope. (Feb 2007)
- On cover of Time magazine, about his book & presidency. (Oct 2006)
- Portrayed as a multiplier instead of a divider. (Oct 2006)
- Progressives should recognize common morality with religion. (Oct 2006)
- "Audacity of Hope" to change politics to reflect common good. (Oct 2006)
- Offer real hope-not blind optimism-to the American people. (Jul 2004)
- I'm living my parents' dreams and the American dream. (Jul 2004)
- Greatness based on Declaration of Independence, not military. (Jul 2004)
- We are one people all defending the United States of America. (Jul 2004)
- Want common-sense solutions, not liberal-conservative labels. (Jul 2004)
- FactCheck: Took Rezko's donations, but never represented him. (Jan 2008)
- "Dreams From My Father" is an archetypal search. (Dec 2007)
- Obama REPRESENTS something; doesn't have to DO anything. (Dec 2007)
- Won Grammy for recording "Dreams from My Father". (Nov 2007)
- Real estate deal with felon was "boneheaded" but ethical. (Oct 2007)
- Madrassa myth perpetuated by false email & fabricated story. (Oct 2007)
- First major politician of the post-Baby Boom generation. (Oct 2007)
- Active in the Trinity faith community. (Aug 2007)
- Most decisive moment: transition from high school to college. (Aug 2007)
- Traces ancestry to Jefferson Davis, President of Confederacy. (Feb 2007)
- Lost Congressional primary in 1999 to Bobby Rush. (Feb 2007)
- Personal story is basis of political desire to unite. (Feb 2007)
- Greeted as hero on visit to ancestral Kenya. (Feb 2007)
- Father died in car crash before Barack got to know him. (Feb 2007)
- Born in Hawaii; lives on Chicago's South Side. (Nov 2006)
- Full name: Barack Hussein Obama; family calls him "Barry". (Oct 2006)
- Raised secular, but with working knowledge of world religion. (Oct 2006)
- Baptized as an adult in the Trinity United Church of Christ. (Oct 2006)
- First black president of the Harvard Law Review. (Jul 2004)
- Ryan quits Senate race amid sex scandal allegations. (Jun 2004)
- Mother attacked for playing with a black girlfriend. (Aug 1996)
- Poverty of political organizers was proof of their integrity. (Aug 1996)
- Spent time in both Muslim and Catholic schools. (Aug 1996)
- I am a proud Christian who believes deeply in Jesus Christ. (Jan 2008)
- Intertwined search for father and racial identity. (Dec 2007)
- A Bound Man: inner turmoil of 1960s black nationalism. (Dec 2007)
- Joined church that emphasized a "Black Value System". (Dec 2007)
- Rooted in African-American community but also more than that. (Dec 2007)
- Embodies smothering racial power in individual democracy. (Dec 2007)
- More influenced by his race than public perceives. (Dec 2007)
- In college, rejected multiracialism for black identity. (Dec 2007)
- Whites sense that Barack grants them "benefit of the doubt". (Dec 2007)
- Fans see Obama as opportunity to vote for redemption. (Dec 2007)
- Balancing "challenger" for blacks & "bargainer" for whites. (Dec 2007)
- Bradley effect: black candidates poll above actual votes. (Oct 2007)
- Veiled racism in dismissing Obama as "unqualified". (Oct 2007)
- Catching a cab, no one questions he's "authentically black". (Jul 2007)
- Candidacy taken seriously despite his race or because of it? (Oct 2006)
- Convention keynote speech highlights party's black targeting. (Jul 2004)
- America's race and class problems are intertwined. (Aug 1996)
- Biracial heritage has caused identity crisis. (Aug 1996)
- There is some hope of eventual reconciliation between races. (Aug 1996)
- Racism wasn't merely the cruelty involved, but arrogance too. (Aug 1996)
- Biggest mistake was intruding in Terri Schiavo case. (Apr 2007)
- Voted NO on confirming Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice. (Jan 2006)
- Voted NO on confirming John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Sep 2005)
- Rated 100% by the AU, indicating support of church-state separation. (Dec 2006)