Food For Thought "Truth Is What Matters © copyrighted Special Online Survey - What's Wrong With America Results of 9,861 Participants From Across America July 9, 2010 | by columnist David Lawrence Dewey "Reading provides knowledge... knowledge leads to answers." |
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Participates in this survey were asked their first name, age, occupation, sex and state they live in to compile this information. Participants were asked a series of (21) yes or no questions regarding the following issues affecting the country. Participants could also post an additional comment. A few of those comments have been listed and are listed below after the results. After the results are recent photos of how sea life has been affected in the Gulf Oil Spill.
98.6% completed survey 9,861 out 10,000 completed survey. |
46% were MALE 4,551 out 10,000 completed survey. |
54% were FEMALE 5,310 out 10,000 completed survey. |
2,022 113 690 296 971 1,065 99 113 207 182 434 197 1,013 503 252 556 399 424 108 212 |
21% 1% 7% 3% 10% 11% 1% 1% 2% 2% 4% 2% 10% 5% 3% 6% 4% 4% 1% 2% |
Number: 394 503 971 1,065 1,652 1,489 1,124 986 887 394 296 99 10 |
Percent: 4% 5% 10% 11% 17% 15% 11% 10% 9% 4% 3% 1% .01% |
STATE Arizona Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut District Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Iowa Ilinois Indiana Kansas Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota |
NUMBER 537 103 179 896 627 269 108 896 359 108 269 359 269 108 104 360 537 104 |
PERCENT 5.45% 1.04% 1.82% 9.09% 6.36% 2.73% 1.10% 9.09% 3.64% 1.10% 2.73% 3.64% 2.73% 1.10% 1.05% 3.65% 5.45% 1.05% |
STATE: North Carolina Nebraska New Mexico Nevada NewJersey New York Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennesse Texas Virginia Washington Wisconsin *Not Counted |
NUMBER 449 114 172 179 184 305 207 359 266 265 114 291 266 261 182 41 |
PERCENT 4.55% 1.16% 1.74% 1.82% 1.87% 3.09% 2.10% 3.64% 2.70% 2.69% 1.16% 2.95% 2.70% 2.65% 1.85% 0.42% |
Presently Registered Republican Democrat Independent Other Republicans who will switch parties Democrats who will switch parties |
NUMBER 2,958 3,106 3,038 758 628 466 |
PERCENT 30% 32% 31% 8% 21% 15% |
WILL CHANGE PARTIES BEFORE NOVEMBER Republican to Democrat Republican to Independent Republican to Other Party Democrat to Independent Democrat to Republican Democrat to Other Party |
NUMBER 155 444 30 388 -0- 77 |
PERCENT 5% 15% 1% 13% 0% 3% |
From: Don in Pennsylvania, age between 56-60 - Occupation: Sales
You asked a few questions about global warming, but you had no answer selection stating that it is just one more con and hoax from our government, the media, and their corporate and globalist masters and controllers. None the less, I look forward to hearing the results of this survey. And Happy Freedom From Tyranny Day to you!
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
I first warned readers of what was occuring at both ice caps in 1997. You will see actual images of the metling
ice caps and glaciers over time.
In addition, the scientists that were charged with tampering with global warming statistics have been cleared by an independent body.
Climategate scientists cleared of manipulating data on global warming | Environment | The Guardian - England
The facts can no longer be ignored. We have lost nearly one third of the ice caps in ten years. Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide levels have
increased over 400% in ice core samples at the ice caps over the last ten years. These gases heat up from the suns UV rays and cause the ice to melt.
We have lost seven out of the twelve major ice glaciers around the world. These ice glaciers in certain parts of the world is what has provided
water for drinking, irrigation to grow crops. There is a major problem in some countries now appearing of water and fodo shortages because of this.
There is a severity of food shortages that have been occuring worldwide for the last several months. Even our own USDA was caught off guard.
Have you wondered why you have been seeing lower stock items in stores and some brands disappearing all together in Walmart, KMART, and other grocery stores chains?
USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street 'Caught Off Guard' by Severity
From: Bryan in New York, age between 56-60 - Occupation: Sales
I wish I could be more optimistic about the current state of our country, our government, our economy, our leaders, but we seem to be heading towards a precipice which will cause us to freefall and land God knows where. Add to that the lack of morals displayed by leaders and corporations and the general apathy of the American public, and it is developing into a very serious situation of social decay.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Bryan, I could not agree with you more. I have been preaching to the choir so to speak to my readers for years about corporate
corruption, how they themselves have brought much of this upon themselves by buying the crap made in China at Walmart, Kmart and other retail chains which has caused the loss over 5 million jobs in manufacturing over the last ten years. At some point, Americans need to step up to the plate and start taking
responsiblity and accountability that they are much to blame for our present issues in the banking corruption, health care issues and other issues. They need to stop complaining about the politicians and start making the politicians in Washington being accountable even if that means tha evrey American each write a letter to their Congressman and calling at least once to voice their outrage at what has been occuring. The problem is, you can't get most Americans off the couch watching either sports or their soap operas to do this. These comments I've just made is probably going to upset alot of people readin this, but you know, people don't want to hear the truth.
Allen Shopenhauer, the Philospher wrote:
“All truth passes through three stages . . . From: William in Washington DC, age between 66-70 - Occupation: Retired
It is shocking that the 230 million, stupid Moon-Bats in the U.S. cannot "see through" The President for what he is. He has been financed and controlled by International Interests to 1:) Ruin the U.S.completely 2:) Deliver the destroyed the control of the United Nations so the entire wealth of The U.S.can be stripped and distributed around to the poorer socialist nations and throughout the third and fourth world countries and enslave these countries ALA The New World Order. I consider our President and all of his ten thousand close followers to be Traitors to the U.S. Every political and financial action both he and the Democrats in Congress have accomplished to destroy the U.S. just as the President has planned and no one is doing anything about it.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
I really need to comment on this. I do agree that are alot of mis-informed Americans walking around because they don't educate themselves on the facts and what is going on in their government, however, our forefathers did not set up our country to not have protection measures in place to prevent corruption at all levels. Americans have done much of this to themselves over the last 50 plus years, living the so called American dream, keeping up with the "Jones", thus living beyond their means. It is time to stop thinking that there is some New World Order out there that has been planning the middle class demise.
The middle class has done it to themselves. Americans need to wakeup, taking responsibilty that they themselves have allowed most of these problems to develope in this country. In case you haven't noticed...we all of our social programs, we have already becomed a democracy-socialist country. It started when Social Security was implemented. I find it amusing that many on Social Security cry we are turning into a socialist state, but don't dare touch their social security. Americans can't have it both ways and that is the problem. Too many Americans don't know the word fo sacrafice, especially the last 2 younger generations.
Many of the 20 something year olds today, all they know how to do is play video games for up to 8-10 hours a day and sleep 12 hours a day. The generation that is fighting in Irag and Afganistan are learning what sacrafice is, just like their father and grandfathers did in Viet Nam and World War II. And I give those young men praise and adminration for sacraficing what they are doing to protect each and every American. We had no choice but to stop the brutally of the
Taliban in Afganistan and the horror in Irag under that dicator Hussein. If we did not intervene to stop the inhumanity, then we as Americans are nothing by hypocrities, preaching one thing, but idly sitting by and letting horror that went on in those countries against humanity. America has always been and must always stand up for justice and rightfulness, otherwise we are a false people of false foundations and beliefs.
Americans have no idea what sacrafice means like my grandparents did during the Great Depression. Such things as; having to stand in line for up to 6 hours just to get a small loaf of bread and 6 eggs and a half stick of butter which had to last 3 days. No, there are Americans that are standing in front of a gas guzzling SUV complaining that they have lost their auto factory job paying $42.00 an hour plus benefits job and they want it back. America, those days are gone! Please read my May article, Americans Need To Accept the Reality of the Problems. There are links to other articles providing information and facts pertaining to what lead us to this financial crisis, the corruption and where it started.
From: Diane in Pennsylvania, age between 56-70 - occupation, Custodian
I am very saddened by the state of our country. Yesterday we celebrated Independence Day. Will we still celebrate it in the coming years?I believe we are slowly losing our Country as Americans and I blame our government for it. It's a shame!
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Diane, yes, I am saddened too and I have asked myself the same question, but please read my comments above. We are the governement,
we elect those to serve us, so it is WE are to blame for the issues and problems going on in this country. Please read my May article,
Americans Need To Accept the Reality of the Problems. There are links to other articles providing information and facts pertaining to what lead us to this financial crisis, the corruption and where it started.
From: Ron in California, age between 56-60 - Occupation: Teacher
People don't protest problems because they are too comfortable or stupid.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
I'm not sure what this means, however this is my opinion. Too many people are "followers" behind lunatics like Sarah Palin and the woman in California running for the Senate who wants to abolish Social Security and the Department of Education. Just how does this woman think that how many millions of eldery are going to survive. Is she willing to take the millions into her home and care for them? There are too many people that are protesting that don't know what in the world they are talking about or really the facts of what they are protesting about. If they knew the facts, then they might have a viable solution to the problem. I am of the old school, don't come to me with a complaint about a problem unless you have a viable solution. I dislike whiners and complainers that have no positive input into resolving problems. And what I mean by positive input, I am talking about intelligent, logical solutions, not lunacy like this woman running for the Senate in California. Anyone that thinks this woman is on the right track, I'm sorry is completely ignorant of the real world.
From: Diane in Arkansas, age between 46-50 - Occupation: Medical Field
The country is just following the agenda of the international bankers -- there is no country.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Please read my May article, Americans Need To Accept the Reality of the Problems. There are links to other articles providing information and facts pertaining to what lead us to this financial crisis, the corruption and where it started.
From: Diana in New Hampshire, age between 61-65 - Cccupation: Retired
We are rapidly loosing our freedoms and our government is moving towards running us all and right into oblivia. I am totally disgusted with what is happening with our government, economy, freedom of speech and our right to religious freedom.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
We as a FREE people only lose what we allow to be taken away from us. Is this not why we had a revolution in the 1700's to break the hold that
Britain had in the Americas which were heavy taxation, freedoms being taken away slowly. Our forefathers wrote the most important piece for mankind
in our Declaration of Independence, it laid the foundation of a FREE society with liberty, freedom and justice for all. WE need to take that back in our power and
stop the complaining and start doing something about it by voiting out the old cronies and corrupt politicians who have created this mess we are in,
and start putting men and women in office that understand these priniciples. Even if that means writing in a candidates name. Communities across this nation need to start forming local chapters of selecting people like our forefathers, like... Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington and start writing in their names on election ballots and putting them in office. If there is a WILL, there is always a WAY. America, start using your god given mind and stop
thinking that God is going to fix everything. We created this mess so why do we expect God to fix it for us. PLEASE!
From: Gay in Alabama, age between 61-65 - Cccupation: Retired U.S. Air Force
I have been watching the Glenn Beck show daily on Fox News. It is amazing the information that he imparts on a daily basis that has opened my eyes. Hopefully in November there will be a shift in Congress.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
I will have to watch him a few times to form an opinion. Usually...Fox News is so right wing leaning, but am
willing to give him a listen.
From: Bill in Arizona, age between 66-70 - Occupation: Retired
I will always try to turn America back to it's roots, BUT I don't think it will ever happen. The elitest's who control and manipulate the world and it's money will not give up their power. As long as they control the flow of money, they will control the cultures of the world. They have said in their own writings as long as they control the money they care not what laws are made. America will fall as well as the rest of the nations of the world, and their will be tyrrany and world government, BUT they will eventually fall and a new system will emerge. There is hope for mankind but only if people are ruled by God. Mans time for ruling is coming quickly to an end.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Yes Bill, there is a group of people that control great wealth around the world, however, when you combine the wealth of the middle class it far outweighs these people. The problem that I feel Americans have gotten their mindset into is a mindset of defeat. Why has this happened? I think that because people were not paying attention and seeing early on what started in this country some 40 years ago with deep corruption in politics,
things have progessively gotten worse and as they have, Americans have lost faith that they can truly do something about it. One VOICE can become MILLIONS. Truth is what matters! Americans have forgotten this in their resolve to correct the problems in this country.
From: Dan in Washington, age between 61-65 - Occupation: Cancer Research
Obstructionism by the Republican party 'leaders' is disheartening and not in the interests of the country. We need to support our President.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
I couldn't agree more. It is just not the Republicans that is blocking things that MUST be changed to move this country foreward and get us out of this mess that has been created, it is the Democrats and even some Independents like Joe Lierbemann. Lierbemann was a Democract who turned Independent playing the game so he could stay is so wishy-washy on issues like many in both the Senate and House and it amazes me how many Americans don't do something by replacing these hyprocrites in these seats. As I have said before, if you can't come up with a better plan then don't throw roadblocks in front of plans to correct a problem. This is the problem in Washington. Most of the elected play "politics" instead of doing what is right and what is needed to get this country back on the course it needs to be.
Does President Obama have all the answers in resolving our problems? NO ! I will be the first one to admit that, however, again a good leader first, recognizes something needs to be corrected, second, he presents a possible solution, and third, unless critics can come up with a better plan to solve a problem, then they need to stop tallking just to hear themselves talk and get out of the way to correct the problems in this country.
From: Patricia in Oregon, age between 56-60 - Occupation: Clerical Research
The economy is NOT President Obama's fault. It is the fault of BUSH! The GOP's will not go along with ANYTHING.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Yes, I totally agree. President Obama inherited eight years of mis-management of the Bush Administration, but also from Clinton and even going back to President Reagan when Reagan stacked the cards in banking deregulation, setting the stage, opening up pandora's box that created this financial mess we are in today. Read my colums:
I first warned what was coming in America in Feb. 2004 , both increased unemployment and the financial mess due to mortgage lending and derivatives which should never have been allowed by the SEC and Treasury Departments. From: Kevin in Kansas, age between 26-30 - Occupation: Nurse
I get a little put out by the lack of interest that my generation has. I am always talking to my friends that
change is not going to come about unless we the voters, my generation starts to really care about this country and not take it for granted and start putting honest politicians in office. We have to pay attention to what is really going on and not what we
are being told is going on.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
First Kevin, I applaud you. You have expressed not only intelligent-logical thought but actual caring that many Americans don't have concerning these areas. Keep up the talking to your friends, hopefully they'll wake up!
From: Sara in Kansas, age between 26-30 - Occupation: Para-Legal
Mr. Dewey, thank you for being the crusader you have been for these many years to get hydrogenated oils and other toxins out of our food supply. My mother many years ago read your article about hydrogenated oils back in 1997 when I was 17 years old and still in high school. She cleaned out the cupboards that day and started our family on whole foods, nothing processed. Thank you for saving my family's life. I also recently what the documentary INGREEDIENTS
that you helped make. What a powerful message of truth. Every American needs to see this film! And now this survey. Thank you for letting us speak up. I have been an avid reader of your articles for years and agree with most you have written about and thank you for all the "real" facts you have provided. Your quote, "truth is what matters", I admire greatly!
I am very concerned about America and her people. It amazes me that there are people that actually put faith in such people as Rush Limbaugh, Sara Palin, Ron Paul, George Bush, even President Clinton to the point of thinking they are saints. It is actually scary to think and I am sorry for being so blunt, but are there that many stupid people in this country that listen to these people and believe what they say is the gospel? Don't these people whoe are listening to these talking head check on things themselves like read government GAO reports on GAO findings of agencies and other information that provides the facts of matters? Or - read SEC reports like you told us readers we should read the SEC reports of corporations
to find out what they are really doing.
It is very disturbing what is happening today. In college, I took a course on how Hitler came into power and what happened back then scares me that today the same thing could be happenning, listening to people that don't have much up there between their ears. And what bothers me the most is that many people sit around complaining about this or that, half of them don't even know what they are talking about or are repeating what one of these people said which is totally inaccurate facts spewing from their mouths and that is why nothing gets changed in this country. Many people all they know how to do is whine and complain about things, but never do anything to make change or correct things that are wrong. And we have too much influence from religion factions in this country into the policies and politics of running this government. Separation of church and state! But that certainly has not happened.
And thank you Mr. Dewey for your articles. Please keep writing about the things we need to know about,
hopefully a few more Americans will wake up because of you. Your articles on what caused the job losses and the eocnomic
collaspe were right on target!
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Sarah, first, thank you for the compliments and I coudn't agree more with you on much what you expressed.
It is so refreshing to see posts or receive emails from people your age. It confirms to me that your generation is not the lost
generation that many people are quick to comment that you are. Many years ago I wrote a comment in an article I will share again here. People do not like hearing the truth or facts because it will mean they will have to do something different than
what they have been doing which is mostly sitting on their behinds ignoring things. People also don't like hearing the truth because it may mean their lifestyle may have to change for the betterment of all, even Mother Earth.
I have come to that just as there are as many kind and caring people in this country will to change and sacrafice if need be, there are many selfish people in this country that are not willing to change their lifestyles to address the
issue before us, or to help Mother Earth heal herself from the damage we have inflicted upon her by our selfish lifestyles and out of GREED. I am afraid though that things are now occuring, i.e. the oil spill, global warming, our energy crisis, many Americans are in for a rude awakening in the few years to come. There are going to many changes that will have to take place for many reasons and many Americans, and not just Americans, but people in other countries that have the same selfish issues, are NOT going to adjust well and will cause havoc for the rest of us. The one thing that I myself am losing patience with is stupidity that people are displaying. People that have no idea what they are spewing from their mouths, being only puppets of someone like Sarah Palin, Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and also some Liberal mouth pieces .
We must stop all this nonsense of the political games being played, the mouthpieces that are only churning things up, making things worse with their extreme views and comments that are usually based strictly on personal opinion and not based on facts and the truth. We have to find a balance, accept the facts and the truth of our poblems and start enacting solutions immediately to correct our problems in this country - hopefully we have not reached the point of no return because of this nosense.
Last Sarah, I am so glad that your Mother read my article on hydrogenated oils back in 1997 and took the steps
needed to make your family healthier. If I played a part in that, I humbly accept your thanks. That is what a true journalist
does. A true journalist reports the facts, the truth to make a difference. In this case, to save lives.
From: Anthony in Kansas, age between 26-30 - Occupation: IT Tech Manager
Mr. Dewey, we have to start using some logic and intelligence in solving our problems quickly. Just look at the mess, the red tape and bureacracy that is occuring in the BP Gulf oil spill. I've never heard so much double speak from
politicans and from that retired Coast Guard General in charge of it that Obama appointed. It insults my intelligence to think
that these politicians and bureaucrats think I am that stupid to believe in even 1/3 of what they are saying. Thank you Mr. Dewey for your factual based articles and your honest opinions on issues using logic and intelligent thought. If you were on
teh Evening News, I might start watching the network news again, you are believable. I started watching Diane Sawyer when she took over ABC News from Gibson, and at first I thought, oh good, finally a journalist that is going to tell it like it is and ask the hard questions to these politicial doublespeaks. However, lately something has changed. Has ABC put a chain around her and told her to "cool" it? I'm going to keep watching for awhile but unless Sawyer starts reporting like she first started reporting, sparing nothing and getting to the core issues, I will start turning off ABC News as well.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~ is refreshing to see such well thought out thoughts from someone your age. And I couldn't agree with you more and thank for the compliment. As far as being a New York evening news anchor, they would have to put a muzzle on me half way through my first broadcast because I would be making comments the suits in the ivory towers would not like because I would be offending someone, a corporate advertiser or come politician. As far as Diane Sawyer...keep watching her and ABC NEWS I think you will slowly change your thinking as you see what they start to tackle. I have been impressed thus far because Sawyer does ask the hard questions and reports usually the facts and truth. Yes, I too have noticed a toned down approach to her reporting, but that simply could be because of something else and not that she has had a chain put on her.
From: Sandra in Kansas, age between 31-35 - Occupation: Teacher
I am so disgusted with some of the politicans whether they be Republican, Democrat or Indepedent because if you notice, if they are asked a specific question by a reporter they skirt all around the issue and never give a direct answer but use doublespeak around it and never answer the question. Don't these politicians realize that when they do this
that "we" intelligent people out here, our intelligence is being gretly insulted by them. And thank you Mr. Dewey for your factual based ariticles. You are right, "Truth Is What Matters." I wish these politicians would accept that as truth!
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Well Sandra, I couldn't have said it better. I too am tired of the double speak from politicians and I think many Americans are too and are waking up and seeing also how their intelligence is being insulted. I believe the problem is
too many Americans have been asleep on the switch for too long and it is going to take a little while longer for more to wake up, however, already, many Americans have woken up - the only problem I still have with many Americans they have not
accepted the reality of the problems because too many Americans are whining and complaining about our problems instead of getting active and making a difference to correct the problems. These numbers are growing, but as they grow, we have
the interference from right wing and liberal nut cases are only stirring up the pot so to speak, making things worse. I will be the first one to support their right to FREE SPEECH, but I also have the option of turning off the television or radio when they are speaking or talking and I most certainly use the power of my vote along with others to vote them out of office. Too many Americans have forgotten that "one voice can become millions" and finally be heard.
From: Kathryn in Ohio, age between 56-60 - Occupation: Retired Social Worker-Grandmother
I am a 58 year retired social worker. I am a mother of 4 children and have 6 grandchildren. I have seen what the politics of this country has done to families over the years. I was raised a Catholic, but no more. I am fed up with the religious hyprocritical double speak of the right wing in this country. I am a spiritual person, but I refuse to become a part of some religion movement to change politics in this country. I am fed up with pious Bishops and Popes who
hide behind their santity protecting child molesters. I was a Republican for 20 years and finally wise up 8 years ago when I saw the lies, deceit and
destruction that the Republican party has done to this country. Bush was an idiot and should never have been elected. Republicans have never been for the little guy. They have been for the oil companies, the banks, the BIG corporations. They have screwed the little guy, us. And I am not too happy with some Democrats either, and some independents like turncoat Joe Leiberman who changed party so he would get re-elected. This man is so wishy washy it is pathetic. I am registered as an independent, but even that scares me to some extent with all the nutcases coming out of the closet like Palin. That woman is an embarrassement to this country, and most certainly me. Does she really think she is representing the thoughts and values of most American woman? And that woman from California that wants to abolish Social Security, the Department of Education, these people are nuts! And please, my fellow independents do not vote for these nutcases, nor these Republican woman who are only telling you what you want to hear to get elected. They are just like their male Rebpulican counterparts, they will tell you what you want to hear to get elected. And Dick Cheney. And you think Goerge Bush was the President for 8 years,
think again! Thank God I came to my senses 8 years ago. And I am not alone in my thinking. There are many of us, I belong to several groups and organizations and we are all talking about this. Sarah Palin, shut up, go back home to Alaska and hunt, fish and whatever you want to do with your life, but stay out of politics, we don't need your ignorance in politics, it is already screwed up enough.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Whoa Kathryn! I couldn't have said it better. Go get em lady! What Kathryn just expressed in her views is what I have been writing for years. Washington has been hijacked by BIG corporations, the drug industry, the oil industry, the insurance and banking industry. These corporations have been putting the same ole paid for politicians back in office year after year while we Americans have been given the shaft in all which ways affecting our lives. One Third of the middle class wealth has disappeared since President Reagan's two terms. Hello, do I need to say anything more. Am I completely
pleased with the Democrats? NO ! There are Democrats just as bad as the Republicans have been. Americans have got to stop following these politicians like blind sheep being hearded to slaughter. What really bothers be is these right wing nutcases coming our of the woodwork and I hope that Americans have not lost their minds in believing in these people. And yes, I agree, Sarah Palin and others like her are an embarrassment to this country and Americans have got to realize that.
From: Paul in Ohio, age between 46-50 - Occupation: Unemployed Construction Foreman
Thank you Mr. Dewey for your informative articles through the years. I am glad there are still a few of you journalists left that report it like it is. I wish the news networks would stop giving so much air time to people like Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Angles that woman in California who wants to do away with Social Security and other government agencies. When Diane Sawyer took over the news from Gibson, she was a go-getter tackling and asking all the hard questions to get to the facts. She was like a lioness on the prowl. But here lately, hello Diane - where are you. Has someone put a collar on you? You have become so subdued. You are not asking the hard questions anymore and exposing things like you were? I'd like to see the old Diane back reporting on what we need to know. And for what is wrong in America, a bunch of crooked
politicians that have been in office far too long. If we don't get the jobs coming back into this country soon from countries where these corporations moved operations to and the economy doesn't start to turn around soon, I'm afraid there is going to be another revolution in this country. People are hurting. They are fed up with what politicians have allowed to happen in this country doing the corpoations biddings. People are losing their homes they have been paying on for
15-20 years because they lost their job of many years. Thank God my home is paid for. I have friends staying with us because they lost their homes. And the politicians are sitting there not doing a thing about this. Instead, they keep doing these corporations bidding. Do you know I read in the Wall Street journal that the top 500 corporations on the stock exchange have over $1.85 trillion dollars in earnings they have acquired over the last 4 years and they are not spending a dime to increase jobs. I have had it with the Republicans. All they are doing is blocking any attempts to anything, whether they be right or wrong in getting things moving foreward in this country. They are up to their old ways. I was a Republican for a few years, then a Democrat, now a independent. I have had it with the lies of the Rpublicans and what is very evident, they are for BIG business, they are not for the little guy, the small businesman. They have screwed us over the last twenty or so years. Don't believe a word the Republicans are telling you. And some Democrats.
Note from David Lawrence Dewey ~
Paul, I understand your frustration. You won't believe the thousands of emails I have received over the last year that pretty much express your sentiments. People are fed up with what the politicians are not doing to solve our problems. And yes, I agree, Republicans historically have not been for the little guy. They have usually been for big business. They spout lowering taxes etc. - while at the same time increasing spending. What do you think has been part of the financial mess we have gotten into. You can't spend, spend and spend and tell people you are going to lower taxes.
President Obama is trying his best to clean up this mess. Americans have to remember, Obama inherited this mess. He did not create it. He is trying to clean it up and get the country back on the right track. Is if going to be easy. NO! Will it mean increased taxes for sometime and cuts in certain programs as well to pay down the 8.5 trillion in debt this country has acquried over (2) wars, the recession and the financial bail out to prevent a major economic depression in this country, worse than the 1930 Depression. YES ! These are the truths and realities that Americans are going to have to start to accept and start supporting Obama in these measures he is trying to get Congress to act upon. Both parties are playing political games again because elections are coming up in November. It is not about what is best for Americans now, it is what is best for them to get re-elected. I am advising all my readers the best thing you can do right now is write, fax, call your elected officials in Washington and simply tell them, "The jig is up - that you have had enough of the politicial games of going nothing and the double speak - so get off your ass start and start getting things done to turn the country around or I am going to vote you out of office."
I am telling you this America, because I firmly believe that if more and more Americans would start delivering this message to elected officials in Washington, you will start to see a change. One Voice can become MILLIONS to affect the needed changes to save this country from self destruction.
In looking over other data from this survey. Kathryn above is correct. Over 70% of the women who participated in this survey wrote similar comments as Kathryn. In emails I receive, they pretty much say the same thing as Kathryn expressed. In the men, over two thirds expressed pretty much what Paul above expressed. I also noticed the unemployment percentage of the participants in this survey at 26%, or 2,609 of you out of the
9,861 who completed this survey are out of work. This is far above the 12-15% in some parts of the country, with the national average hovering around 11%. Is the government accurately keeping track of the unemployed and or reporting the true percentage? That is the question, however, by these percentage in this survey, I feel the later is more true. We are not getting the true figures of those unemployed.
Also in looking over the demographics, there is not much change from region of the country to the other. Americans pretty much in all regions of the country are expressing the same opinions. In addition, what was puzzling in the survey, in question # 9, "Do you trust your elected Senators and Congressman to fix our problems of unemployment problems quickly?", 69% of you said "YES" and 31% of you said "NO". However, in questions
# 10, 11, and 12, the percentage of answers were mixed according to the previous question. Especially # 10, where 100% of you said that you
trust your elected Senators and Congressman to address our energy problems quickly. I think what this shows is that less Americans in this survey do not
feel the government is fixing the unemployment problems quickly.
Below is an example of how the politicians are not getting anything done or corrected in Washington.
It very evident why the Republicans in the Senate voted this measure down. It is a well known fact that Republicans are more heavily finances by the oil corporations than any other political party. Remember Dick Cheny - Haliburton and his "secret" energy meetings with oil excutives and his refusal to release documents of those meetings? The lawsuit by the Justice Department to force Cheny to release them in still in limbo. Why is this?
And if you want to see the recent action by the new government rules for reporters in the Gulf Oil spill are and how they can no longer get any closer that 65 feet to the oil spills, dead animals or even take photographs, then watch this
White House briefing to the media on July 1st which basically suspended the First Amendement in the Gulf Oil Spill Region. View these videos.
White House Briefing Suspends First Amendment Regarding Oil Spill Anderson Cooper CNN reported on this on July 1st.
US: Felony charges, big fines for reporting within Gulf oil spill zone COOPER: We're talking about the government, a new a rule announced today backed by the force of law and the threat of fines and felony charges, a rule that will prevent reporters and photographers and anyone else from getting anywhere close to booms and oil-soaked wildlife and just about any place we need to be. By now, you're probably familiar with cleanup crews stiff-arming the media, private security blocking cameras, ordinary workers clamming up, some not even saying who they're working for because they're afraid of losing their jobs... Well, the Coast Guard today announced new rules keeping photographers and reporters and anyone else from coming within 65 feet of any response vessel or booms out on the water or on beaches -- 65 feet... Violators could face a fine of $40,000 and Class D felony charges. [Boy, George W. Bush has got to be the most frustrated individual on God's green Earth! Can you *imagine* the outrage -- and protests -- if Bush threatened reporters and photographers with felony charges and fines, as Barack Obama is doing in the Gulf of Mexico? It makes my head *spin* to think of how fast the left would be up in arms. But when Obama lays down and dies for his corporaterrorist paymasters day after day and suspends the First Amendment, the so-called 'left' remains silent. Oh. Not to mention, his thriving assassination squads, busy little CIA bees hunting down US citizens who allegedly support 'terrorism."]
And if you think the BP oil well leaking now is going to solve the problem of future oil gulf well leaks..think again. Read this report
released on July 7th. This is a nightmare waiting to happen in the gulf!
27,000 Abandoned Oil Wells In Gulf
AP IMPACT: Gulf awash in 27,000 abandoned wells More than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells lurk in the hard rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades. No one - not industry, not government - is checking to see if they are leaking, an Associated Press investigation shows.
The oldest of these wells were abandoned in the late 1940s, raising the prospect that many deteriorating sealing jobs are already failing.
The AP investigation uncovered particular concern with 3,500 of the neglected wells - those characterized in federal government records as "temporarily abandoned."
Regulations for temporarily abandoned wells require oil companies to present plans to reuse or permanently plug such wells within a year, but the AP found that the rule is routinely circumvented, and that more than 1,000 wells have lingered in that unfinished condition for more than a decade. About three-quarters of temporarily abandoned wells have been left in that status for more than a year, and many since the 1950s and 1960s - even though sealing procedures for temporary abandonment are not as stringent as those for permanent closures.
Click on the link above to read the rest of the story.
And it is getting worse concerning other health issues in the gulf region. This was reported in the Herald Sun, July 6th. If this starts to
infiltrate the ground water aguifiers in the region, thousands of people will have to move.
Arsenic Levels Rise Around Gulf of Mexico
Arsenic Levels Rise Around Gulf of Mexico
One last thing. Americans really need to see the damage that the oil spill has done to animals in the region. The inhumanity that has been unleashed upon sea life, birds, dolphins, sea lions, whales out of GREED is very disheartening to think that mankind still has not risen above that. Below are photos of what has occured to the animals in the region. CAUTION: These photographs are disturbing and are these the photos the government does not want you to see. We must make our politicians put laws into place so that this NEVER happens again! Please print out these photos and mail them to your
Congressman with a letter saying, "Never AGAIN!".
First it is ridiculed - Second, it is violently opposed - Third it is finally accepted as self evident”
A Shocking Betrayal of Trust By the U.S. Government
03 Jul 2010 Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees - The Spill and Transparency - Aired July 1, 2010
Jul 7, 12:49 AM (ET)
Hundreds of bloated oil dead dolphins have washed up upon beaches.
Over 1,500 dolphins and sea turtles alone.
Scientists estimate that for every 1 dead animal that washes ashore,
(10) have died at sea and are consumed in the sea.
That means over 15,000 dolphins and
sea turtles have perished since the leak began. This sea turtle, dead, is bloated with oil.
These dolphins are slowly dying due to suffocation of being in the oil spill.
The oil and the dispersant BP has used depletes oxygen from the sea.
Thousands of birds have died from being soaked in oil.
Pelicans by the thousands have been affected and have died from the oil.
Seals by the thousands have been affected.
In addition to the above, plankton, shrimp, oysters, blue fin tuna have been literally killed of by the hundreds of thousands. It is estimated that there will be none of these species left in the gulf region for fisherman to fish for at least ten years and possibly never because of the residue that will be left causing these species to avoid the gulf for years to come.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Make sure you read about the new documentary ![]() ![]() Read About the Film - Click Here Do you want to die young with a diseased heart? Develop needless high blood presure? Develop diabetes type II ? If not - then you need to watch this new documentary ! THE FILM HAS WON FIVE FILM AWARDS ! |
Do you care about your health, the health of your children, your family?
Then make sure you read my column:
Hydrogenated Oils - Silent Killers
Learn the truth about these deadly oils in our food supplies
Read about Greta Ferebee's and my efforts in a nationwide petition campaign to get these and other toxins out of the food supply. VISIT our website:
©2010 Rocky Mountain Publicity Last Modified: October 4, 2011 |