Food For Thought © copyrighted The Facts About Canola Oil October 10, 1997 Updated February 21, 2001, February 22, 2010, May 5, 2010 | by columnist David Lawrence Dewey "Reading provides knowledge... knowledge leads to answers." |
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The following is adapted from and contains exact quotations
from reports beginning in 1996 by Tom Valentine under the trade name of Search
for Health and True Health. These are quarterly publications that contain
Valentine's personal investigations as well as material from other publications.
Tom Valentine is based in Naples, Florida. Carotec Inc., 941-353-2348. He
is a life sciences investigative reporter of long standing. He is personally
acquainted with many of the famous names in nutrition. One of these is the
internationally acknowledged leading expert on trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated
fats, Dr. Mary Enig, Ph.D., formerly of University of Maryland.
There has been emails circulated on the net that have distorted the facts about this controversy over canola oil. It is a known ploy, that sometimes when a source is getting to close to the truth...wild and crazy claims are made by unknown third parties, ( sometimes the very people that are behind a product that fear the truth getting out ), these parties try and discredit the original claims. I have added additional accurate findings and my comments on the facts, and why this oil may not actually be the healthy oil it was praised to be. These are the correct facts.
~ David Lawrence Dewey
Originally written October 10, 1997
The high praise for canola is propaganda put forth by the Canadian government
because canola, the genetically engineered form of rapeseed oil, is one of
that nation's chief export products. It cannot be certified ever, as organic.
Any manufactured foodstuff with canola in it cannot be certified or
called organic. Rapeseed oil contains toxic erucic acid. Canola is
hybridized rapeseed with much less erucic acid in it. It is a major crop
in Canada, hence the name Can(ola).
American health food store operators merely parrot the hype without checking
all the facts. Consumers search out various products with canola oil in them
because they believe this is somehow much healthier than other oils. All
food grade canola, including the varieties sold in health food stores, are
deodorized from its natural terrible stink with 300 degree
F. high temperature refining. You cannot cook a vegetable oil at
that temperature and leave behind anything much edible.
Research at the University of Florida-Gainesville, determined that as much
as 4.6% of all the fatty acids in unrefined canola are "trans" isomers (which are somewhat like plastic) due to the refining process. Yes, plastic, so you are ingesting isomers that are similar to plastic and plastic is toxic. And then if canola is hydrogenated, you have a double effect of toxins going into your body, trans-isomers, (possible plastics depending on how high the oil was boiled at if the canola was hydrogenated), and trans-fatty acids that cause coronary heart disease. Contrary to popular opinion, saturated fats, especially those found in unrefined coconut oil are not however harmful to health, but are important nutrition. There are no trans isomers in unrefined coconut butter, for example. ( This refers to many published research papers by Mary Enig, Ph.D. that refutes all the establishment propaganda condemning saturated fats. Mary Enig cannot be bought or suppressed by the hydrogenated oils and margarine
In 1996, the Japanese announced a study wherein a special canola oil diet had actually killed laboratory animals. Reacting to this unpublished, but verified and startling information, a duplicate study was conducted by Canadian scientists using piglets and a canola oil based milk replacer diet.
In this second study published in Nutrition Research, 1997, v17, the researchers
verified that canola oil somehow depleted the piglets of vitamin E to a
dangerously low level.
In the abstract of the study, the Canadian researchers made the following
remarkable statement: It is known that ingestion of oils containing
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the n-3 and n-6 series results
in a high degree of unsaturation in membrane phospholipids, which in turn
may increase lipid peroxidation, cholesterol oxidation, free radical accumulation
and membrane damage. All very bad attributes.
That statement is remarkable because PUFA is considered essential to a healthy
diet. Yet none of the above listed results of eating it may be considered
healthy. So now we have something seemingly brand new to the dietary health
Here the Canadians are condemning any oil that contains essential fatty
acids. EFAs cannot stand heat. They turn rancid quickly. Proper processing,
i.e., cold pressing, and protection from oxygen for storage is paramount
with EFAs. Mainstream toxic commercial food making requires complete removal
of EFAs lest shelf life disappear in smelly rancidity.
Absent the removal of EFAs, few manufactured toxic chemical foods would make
it out of the warehouse. So, here we have Canadians telling us that their
country's main oil export kills little animals. They suggest that perhaps
it was the health giving EFAs left in the canola oil after it had been scorched
at temperatures above 300 degrees Fahrenheit to get rid of the EFAs. They
don't tell you that whatever EFAs are left in the oil, are now poisonous
rancid fats. It may be that the now toxic remnants are what's killing the
vitamin E, and killing the little piglets. I think the Canadians produced
that deceptive half truth to protect their careers from grant drought.
Firstly, the idea of something depleting vitamin E rapidly is an alarming
development. Vitamin E is absolutely essential to human health, and when
so much PUFA is available to diet as it is today, the demand evidently becomes
even more imperative because tocopherols control the lipid peroxidation that
results in dangerous free radical activity, which causes lesions in arteries
and other problems. In addition, Canola oil contains large amounts of
"isothicyanates" cyanide containing compounds. Cyanide inhibits mitochondrial production of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy molecule that fuels the mitochondria part of immune cells. And if the canola oil is hydrogenated, you have a double effect. If you have not read my column about the deadly health effects of hydrogenated oils in foods, then read my column, Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers. You read actual medical research studies from Harvard that shows how these oils cause 30,000 premature coronary heart disease deaths a year, and this is a low estimate according to Dr. Acherio Willett at Harvard. You'll learn in detail how they effect the immune system, setting the immune system up for auto-immune disorders. You learn how 62 year old retired electrical engineer, Thomas Smith cured himself of diabetes type II by eliminating foods containing these oils from his diet. If you care for your health and those of your family, then this is must read. Why are children developing diabetes type II at an alarming rate? You learn why.
Canola oil now has been shown to be a very heavy abuser of tocopherols or
vitamin E, with the potential for rapidly depleting a body of the important
vitamin. The researchers did not know what factors in the canola oil were
responsible. They reported that other vegetable seed oils did not appear
to cause the same problem in piglets.
Canola oil is registered with the EPA as a pesticide. Yes, I said a pesticide.
You can view the report on the EPA site a this url address:
It has been very much in vogue in health food circles to praise canola
oil as a very healthy oil-high in polyunsaturates, while condemning tropical
oils such as coconut or palm oil as being saturated and unhealthy.
If you can't reach that site, TRY THIS
At the bottom of the EPA registration is some very bothersome information. For one, it is registered as a pesticide. In addition, note the date of the material, ( 1983 ) they are using to claim it is safe. They also state research data available, meaning what was only presented to them. Further down, it states that it is classified as a toxic category IV for acute inhalation and primary eye toxicity, referring to the mixture of 89.5% and .5% Pyrethrins (a pesticide ingredient extracted from chrysanthemum plants - chrysanthemums are feed to chickens without any harm.). Am I missing something here? If a so called food is toxic for humans to inhale or to expose to their eyes, how in the world could it be healthy to eat? Is it the oil or the Pyrethrins that are providing the toxic problem to humans. The EPA registration does not make that clear. Soybean oil is also registered as a pesticide with the EPA. But let me clarify one thing. Any oil can be used as a pesticide because it literally smothers the insects to death. Because an oil is registered with the EPA as a pesticide does not mean it is toxic to humans.
However, the soybean EPA registration shows no toxicity to humans, yet the canola oil EPA registration does.
There is an interesting scientific study done on three cooking oils. Chinese Rapeseed oil, refined U.S. rapeseed, ( known as canola) and Chinese Peanut Oil. Now keep in mind that Chinese Rapeseed is not the same as canola oil. However, this study was also testing refined U.S. rapeseed ( known as canola ). This study showed that inhaling heated or frying Chinese Rapeseed oil and Chinese Peanut Oil can increase the risk of lung cancer, but for some reason, the results for the canola findings were not exactly stated in the study, but more or less implied to be somewhere in the middle of the other two oils. There's more, read on.
In this medical research report ( this can also be found on NIH PubMed at this url )
published in the Journal National Cancer Institute, June 7, 1987 the study gave these results. "The emission of 1,3-butadiene and benzene was approximately 22-fold and 12-fold higher, respectively, heated unrefined Chinese rapeseed oil than from heated peanut oil." The butadiene and benzene are the cancer causing agents in the oils that are emitted when the oil is heated. Mind you the report also says that all three oils, including refined U.S. rapeseed ( known as canola) were tested. However, what is interesting in this report it does not disclose the result for the refined U.S. rapeseed ( known as canola) anywhere in the study. Instead it gives this in the conclusion. "In the United States, where cooking oils are usually refined for purity, additional studies should be conducted to further quantify the potential risks of such methods of cooking." Were the results for the refined U.S. rapeseed ( known as canola ) not listed on purpose? Why were the results for canola oil, ( refined U.S. rapeseed) not listed? There have been no followup up studies in the U.S. since this study was published as recommended in the study
Over 50% of the canola oil now in circulation now comes from a genetically altered rapeseed, not the original hybrinized rapeseed to breed out the toxic erucic acid. It is the genetically altered versions that bother me more than anything. Reason you ask? Look at the genetically altered corn known as Starlink.
In 1997, Starlink, was granted approval for the pesticide-resistant corn to be used for animal feed only. The approval for human consumption was withheld due to the corn's shared characteristics with other foods that cause serious allergic reactions. A protein called CRY9C, contained in StarLink corn, is heat-resistant. Proteins in peanuts, known food allergens, are also heat-resistant. StarLink is also not as readily digestible as other corn, according to the EPA.
In September, 2000, Friends of the Earth, an environmental advocacy group, reported that Taco Bell brand taco shells sold in supermarkets contained less than one per cent of StarLink corn. Kraft Foods, the manufacturer of the shells, immediately recalled the product. Safeway issued another recall later when it found its store brand of taco shells contained StarLink. Spokesmen for Aventis said the company has determined how more than 80 million bushels of StarLink corn were used, but has not been able to account for 1.2 million bushels of the corn. discovered concerning the Starlink corn. That is 1.2 million bushels of corn that possible got into the human food supply. question, how did this genetically altered corn which was never approved for human consumption get into the human food supply? There is a court case in Kansas pending from individuals that experienced serious life threatening allergic reactions to eating this corn. It has also been discovered that this corn kills the Monarch butterfly, which is not a threat to corn.
I have received many emails from readers that said these symptoms stopped when they stopped using canola oil. Tremors, shaking, "palsy" due to malfunction of nerve impulse transmissions. Un-coordination walking, writing and other automatic physical movements, slurred speech, excessive salivation, deterioration of memory and thinking processes, blurred vision, fuzzy or low audio levels, difficulty urinating/incontinence, environmental
sensitivity/allergic to smells, food, clothing, electrical equipment, breathing
problems/short of breath, nervousness or nervous breakdown, numbness and
tingling in extremities, heart problems/arrhythmia's. I've heard from people saying that their Irritable Bowl Syndrome went away afte they stopped using Canola. Canola Oil contains erucic acid in the oil and glucosinolates in the meal. Both are toxic to humans and animals in large amounts. The human liver can metabolize only
safe small amounts of erucic acid without causing ill effects to the body, anything over 4% of erucic acid I understand is toxic to the human body. Canola oil can contain up to 2% of erucic acid.
This is why I question genetically altered rapeseed to produce "safe" canola. First it was hybrinized, then genetically altered. Why hasn't any independent 3-5 year long term feeding studies to animals in a control group of this oil been performed to see the effects? The reason, oil companies will not pay to have such studies performed by independent sources for fear of negative reports. They do there own in house reports. Basically, the reports of studies they submit to the FDA can be performed by themselves. What does this tell you? And keep in mind one last thing. Canola is a genetically altered oil. Look at what they found with genetically altered corn. My opinion...when man starts genetically alterting mother nature, that same mother nature which the human body has through evolution adapted to the food supply...creates a whole bag of health worms in my opinion. Do you want to take the chance on canola? And this below is what scares me the most.
Monsanto announced in April 1997, that it was recalling genetically engineered
canola seed because an unapproved gene slipped into the batch by mistake.
The canola seed had been genetically manipulated to resist the herbicide
toxicity of Roundup, which is Monsanto's top money making product. The recall
involved 60,000 bags containing two types of canola seed, which is enough
to plant more than 700,000 acres. Both types of seed have the wrong gene
in them. The genes in the recalled seed have not been approved for human
A spokesman for Limagrain Canada Seeds, which was selling the seeds under
a Monsanto license, said that experts are trying to determine how the mistake
occurred. "We may never know how this happened" he further stated.
The implications of this error are serious. No one in his right mind is
unconcerned about genetic manipulations getting lost.
On January 26, 1998 Omega Nutrition, one of the major producers of
organic, cold pressed oils for the health food store market published a press
release. The release states that if you are cooking with canola oil of any
quality, you might as well be using margarine. In the case of refined canola
oil, the important health benefits have been processed away- leaving the
consumer with the nutrition of say, white flour- and, dangerous trans-fatty
acids have replaced a lot of the beneficial omega 3 essential fatty acids.
Oils high in omega 3 are not capable of taking high temperatures. Heating
canola distorts the fatty acid turning it into an unnatural form of trans
fatty acid that has been shown to be harmful to health. Again, if you have not read my column, Hydrogenated Oils - Silent Killers then please do.
He says no fat can stand the temperatures used in food processing without
being adversely affected. I personally use a little low temperature melted
organic butter to flavor my (water) poached eggs so that I think I'm
eating fried eggs. Melting the butter does not fry it or adversely convert
it into a dangerous substance. There is a downside to butter, but even with what I will explain shortly, butter is far better that eating margarines full of hydrogenated oils. Cows that have been given shots of hormones to increase production, release part of these hormones into the milk. These hormones, which way there way into commercial butter. I recommend that milk and butter that is purchased be from cows that are fed organically and are certified that they are not given hormones. If in doubt, call the dairy and ask. If you find the store is carrying milk produced from cows given hormones, complain to the store manager and write the company, even boycott the store. And if you have not read my column about the deadly health effects of hydrogenated oils in foods, then read my column, Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers. You read actual medical research studies from Harvard that shows how these oils cause 30,000 premature coronary heart disease deaths, and this is a low estimate according to Dr. Acherio Willett at Harvard. You'll learn in detail how they effect the immune system, setting the immune system up for auto-immune disorders. You learn how 62 year old retired electrical engineer, Thomas Smith cured himself of diabetes type II by eliminating foods containing these oils from his diet. If you care for your health and those of your family, then this is must read. Why are children developing diabetes type II at an alarming rate? You learn why.
According to Mary Enig, unrefined coconut oil is safe to use in cooking.
Finding it is not so easy as a result of the American establishment's highly
successful attack on all imported palm and coconut oils which come from the
Pacific area. Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., another highly regarded international expert
on fats and oils, both are the same. They are named for their physical state
at room temperature. Udo says the only safe oil to use to fry or bake with,
is water. Although he says that if one wishes to use oils, the best and most safest oils are olive oil, flaxseed, coconut and other type flower oils such as safflower.
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MARGARINE isn't raised as an issue on these
pages. So I will make a brief statement here about it. (Oleo)
Margarine isn't food. Margarine is a poison. It is a manufactured
grease concocted in a machine from various oils and chemicals. It does not
exist in nature and cannot be grown or converted from a natural food as butter
and cheese is. It was invented to win a prize when Napolean III was surrounded
and ran a contest for a palatable grease for his otherwise dry bread. Most
restaurants substitute it for butter without notice to you. Commercial
manufactured imposter foods use margarine wherever canola cannot be used
in their recipe that otherwise would use butter. Your mythical cholesterol
count in your bloodstream does not shrink in the presence of this toxic
invention. There are licensed dieticians and physicians who, in complete
and total ignorance, will urge you to eat this poison in pursuit of better
health. There are suppliers on the web who include a dry powdered version
of margarine that are touted to store fresh as a daisy for five years.
![]() Order it today through Barnes and Noble. |
Healthy Foods Leanne Ely, C.N.C. Leanne, a Certified Nutrition Counseler has compiled over 100 healthy recipes which do not include hydrogenated oils. As I've always said, "We are what we eat" and Leanne also explains why is it so important to eat healthy in an easy and entertaining format. Have children? Leanne has recipes with vegetables that the most picky child will eat. Don't have much time? Leanne provides easy and quick delicious recipes. This is a must for your kitchen! 192 pages. You can write to Leanne at Learn more About Leanne at her publishers site Be Sure To Come Back! Coming Soon ! - Leanne will be posting recipes in the RECIPE KORNER |
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Do you care about your health, the health of your children, your family?
Then make sure you read my column:
Hydrogenated Oils - Silent Killers
Learn the truth about these deadly oils in our food supplies
Read about Greta Ferebee's and my efforts in a nationwide petition campaign to get these and other toxins out of the food supply. VISIT our website:
*The claims made about these products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
In the United States, medical diagnosis and treatment is constrained by law to be the exclusive purview of state licensed practitioners. The diseases discussed on this site are serious, sometimes life threatening matters. Neither the content nor the intent of this column may or should be construed as the giving of medical advice or as recommending any treatment of any kind. The purpose of this column is to support informed discussions, to provide medical research links and and to help the patient identify the doctors who keep up with advances in their field.
© All Rights Reserved. Use of these articles is for personal use only. Any other use is strictly prohibited. Newspapers, syndicates or publications wishing to print his columns, email your request with details to Mr. Dewey's agent. Email Contacts for DL Dewey. For any other use, DLDEWEY for permission to use column or columns, detailing your request to use which column or columns and for what purpose. |
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