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Make sure your read DL Dewey's - "Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killer"
Searle's Own Negative Study

The following study listed below is a study conducted by Searle, the inventor, patent holder at the time this study was done in 1972 in conjuction with researchers at the University of Wisconsin Medical Center.
October 10th, 1972
Rao, KS, McConnell, RG, Waisman, HA
52 Week Oral Toxicity Study in the Infant Monkey
Project No. 856ot70
(7) Infant Monkeys Fed Aspartame
One Died
(5) Had Grand Mal Seizures
Dept. of Biological Research
Searle Laboratories, Chicago, Ill
Pediatrics Dept.
University of Wisconsin Medical Center
Madison, Wisconsin

In this study (7) infant monkeys were fed doses of Aspartame over a 52 week period. One monkey died, while (5) had grand mal seizures during the study. Even thought this study is leaning toward the safety of Aspartame since it was funded by Searle, they failed to explain these findings in the report. On page, 3217. Quote, "Urinalysis parameters were generally remarkable, except for a significant excretion in phenylketones in both medium and high dose groups after 6 months. Thus, SC-18862,
( meaning Aspartame), treated monkeys, exbited increased serum pheynlalanine levels, increased urniary phenylketone levels, and episodes of gran mal seizures in relation to the phenylalanine moeity of the compound administered." And, "At higher doses of 1g/kg/day, a significant increase in serumk phenylalamine and tyrosine levels, and incrase in urinary phenylketone excretion and episodes of grand mal type seizure activity were observed at this point and continued through the 52 weeks of treatment."

What is so bothersome about this study is that the monkey that died, there no autopsy performed due to lack of funds and shortage of personnel supposedly. And this on page 3214 of the study. "Animals were not available for sacrifice and necropsy at the termination of compound adminstration, due to a shortage of personnel and supervision following Dr. Waisman's death. Likewise, necropsy data on the one non-survivor, high dose monkey M38 that died after 30 dats of compound ingestion, was lost for similar reasons." It is common knowledge and practice that autopsies be performed on any control group to determine cause of death to show any possible dieases the ingestive item may have caused. In this case Aspartame. Since no autopsies were performed, Searle knew exactly what they were doing in controlling this study. However, they got a few surprizes down the road.

The study definitely shows there is a severe problem with the ingestion of Aspartame. The study was funded by the maker of Aspartame, Searle and there are many flaws as outlined in a letter to Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum, November 3, 1987, from M. Adrian Gross, Senior Science Advisor, Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency. This was15 years after the study was performed and while investigative hearings were trying to be started on the Senate House floor in 1987 to ban Aspartame in all foods. Mr. Gross identifies and states on page 11, item # 2, "The full incidence of those brain tumors was not disclosed by G.D. Searle and Co. to the FDA prior to the initial approval for the marekting of Aspartame in 1974; moreover, the review of that study in the FDA was so flawed that the agency apparently did not even realize at that time that only a portion of the observations on brain tumors had in fact been submitted by G.D. Searle & co. in their petition for that approval."

The above study Mr. Gross is referring to is a study conducted in 1974 by Searle of 440 rats fed the equivelent of a daily human dietery dose fo Aspartame. Out of the 440 animals, 162, or 37% of the animals had some kind of negatie reaction to Aspartame. What is disturbing that Mr. Gross found was the out right discrepancies and the hiding of the truth envolving 12 monkeys that died from brain tumors. In the report from the pathologists that Searle hired to autopsy the monkeys brains, they reported a astrocytoma of the brain, but listed the brain as unremarkable, meaning nothing wrong with the brain, yet there was a brain tumor. This is 2.72% of the animals died from brain tumors. In addition, 80 animals out of 3 test groups were sacrificed at the end of the study and supposedly were to have their brain sections evaluated. However, Mr. Gross found that only (8) out of 80 animals in group 2, (7) animals out of group 3, and only (5) animals out of group 4, actually had brain sections examined. This is only 10%, 9%, and 7% of the control groups that had brain autopsies. How many more were missed that had or were developing brain tumors by not examining all of the animals as such have been done.

Further, Mr. Gross calculated a formal risk study to determine the risk of humans developing brain tumors from a dosage level considered "safe" as compared to this study. He calculated, because of the death of the 12 rats from brain tumors, that between 1 out of a 1000 users and 5 out of 1000 users of Aspartame would develope brain tumors. Yes, that is correct, that between 1 to 5 out of every 1,000 users of Aspartame would develope brain tumors.

In addition to these two studies that showed from the very start how dangerous Aspartame is to the human body, are over 70 other research studies that prove how deadly Aspartame is to the human body. Here again, greed, profit and political paybacks were paid off to allow this excitotoxic ( meaning causing disease ) food additive, become part of our food supply, while dealing disease and even deaths to thousands.

Nearly 90 Other Studies Shown How
Deadly Aspartame Is To The Human Body

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Updated September 21, 2004