This survey was conducted between May 28th and June 15th, 2002.
The survey was scientific in the fact that only one reply per email address was allowed
and verification of that email address was sent to the email address that was voting for validity. The person voting using an email address had to
respond back with a verification they did vote using that email address.
These are the results of how readers answered the survey.
16,488 readers completed the survey.
There were 1,011 email addresses that were discounted.
Those votes were not counted because the user
did not verify their email address by return email.
The results below are also broken down by age and region of country.
No political party affiliation was asked on the survey form.
Only age and state the voter was from was asked.

You can view complete results below broken down by age and area of country. People from the midwest states had slighty more votes in each question that other areas of the country.

Do you feel Clinton is to blame for the incompetence at the FBI, CIA and INS?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 15,100 voted YES, or 91.5% believe Clinton is to blame.

Do you feel Bush is to blame for the incompetence at the FBI, CIA and INS?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 15,688 voted YES or 95.1% believe Bush is to blame.

Do you feel both Clinton and Bush are to blame for the incompetence at the FBI, CIA and INS?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 15,882 votes YES or - 96.3% believe both are to blame.

Do you agree with Vice President Cheney's comments about anyone questioning this is Un-American?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 16,101 voted NO or 97.7% did not agree with Cheney's comments

Do you feel someone is lying regarding who knew what when and is trying to cover it up?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 16,314 voted YES or 98.9% believe someone is lying and trying to cover it up.

The question was asked if the answer was YES to the above question, who do you think is leing?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 16,298 or 98.9% of those voting felt President Bush was.
16,313 or 98.9% felt that the following people were lying and trying to cover up something:
Condoleezza Rice, Vice President Cheney, FBI Director, CIA Director, Immigration Director and Congressman

Do you feel a full investigation needs to be done to correct the problem?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 16,201 or 98.2% of those voting felt an investigation is needed.

Do you feel the Senate Intelligence Committee who is investigating this will disclose the truth?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 13,154 or 79.9% of those voting felt the Commitee WOULD NOT disclose the truth.

Knowing what you know now regarding the incompetenance of our government agencies, do you feel safer or do you feel we are in grave danger of being attacked again without any warning?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 9,932 or 60.2 % of those voting DID NOT feel safer.

Knowing that Russia is building a nuclear reactor which gives them nuclear technology for weapons for Iran, a known country that harbors terrorists, do you feel its' still okay to purchase oil from them?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 12,374 or 75.1% of those voting felt we SHOULD NOT purchase oil from Russia.

Do you feel we should pull all military from Afganistan and not continue the war there?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 12,884 or 78.1% of those voting felt WE SHOULD pull out of Afganistan.

Are these recent events regarding 911 who knew what when going to change how you vote in the next election?
TOTAL VOTES: 16,488 - 10,414 -or 63.1% of those voting said it WOULD CHANGE how they voted in the next election.

Do you feel Clinton is to blame for the incompetence at the FBI, CIA and INS?

TOTAL YES: 15,100 - 91.5% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 1,388 - 8.5 % of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 408 588 532 480
21-30 - NO 24 26 35 29
31-40 - YES 844 788 918 927
31-40 - NO 62 71 81 78
41-50 - YES 1,118 1,248 1,463 1,289
41-50 - NO 96 98 96 104
51-60 - YES 743 804 817 843
51-60 - NO 124 117 113 117
61-70 - YES 289 324 327 344
61-70 - NO 26 28 33 30

Do you feel Bush is to blame for the incompetence at the FBI, CIA and INS?

TOTAL YES: 15,688 - 95.1% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 806 - 4.9% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 424 611 553 499
21-30 - NO 19 20 27 22
31-40 - YES 877 819 954 964
31-40 - NO 40 46 52 50
41-50 - YES 1,161 1,296 1,520 1,339
41-50 - NO 50 51 50 54
51-60 - YES 772 835 849 876
51-60 - NO 53 50 49 50
61-70 - YES 300 336 340 357
61-70 - NO 26 28 33 30

Do you feel both Clinton and Bush are to blame for the incompetence at the FBI, CIA and INS?

TOTAL YES: 15,882 - 96.3% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 606 - 3.7% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 429 619 560 505
21-30 - NO 24 26 35 29
31-40 - YES 888 829 966 975
31-40 - NO 25 28 32 31
41-50 - YES 1,176 1,312 1,539 1,356
41-50 - NO 32 32 32 34
51-60 - YES 782 846 860 887
51-60 - NO 34 32 31 32
61-70 - YES 304 341 344 362
61-70 - NO 26 28 33 30

Do you agree with Vice President Cheney's comments about anyone questioning this is Un-American?

TOTAL YES: 387 - 2.3% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 16,101 - 97.7% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 12 13 18 15
21-30 - NO 435 627 567 512
31-40 - YES 17 19 22 21
31-40 - NO 900 840 979 989
41-50 - YES 20 21 20 22
41-50 - NO 1,192 1,330 1,560 1,375
51-60 - YES 21 20 19 20
51-60- NO 308 345 349 367
61-70 - YES 19 20 2 22
61-70 - NO 308 345 349 367

Do you feel someone is lying regarding who knew what when and is trying to cover it up?

TOTAL YES: 16,314 - 98.9% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 174 1.1% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 441 635 575 519
21-30 - NO 5 5 7 6
31-40 - YES 912 851 992 1,002
31-40 - NO 7 8 9 8
41-50 - YES 1,207 1,348 1,581 1,393
41-50 - NO 10 10 10 11
51-60 - YES 803 869 883 911
51-60 - NO 11 10 10 11
61-70 - YES 312 350 353 371
61-70 - NO 8 9 11 10

If yes to the above question, who?
President Bush

TOTAL YES: 16,298 - 98.9% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 190- 1.1% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 440 635 574 518
21-30 - NO 5 5 7 6
31-40 - YES 911 851 991 1,001
31-40 - NO 8 9 11 10
41-50 - YES 1,206 1,347 1,579 1,391
41-50 - NO 10 10 10 11
51-60 - YES 802 868 882 910
51-60 - NO 12 11 11 11
61-70 - YES 312 350 353 271
61-70 - NO 9 10 11 11

The following votes were the same for those listed below of who voters thought was lying about the 911 information:
Condoleezza Rice, Vice President Cheney, FBI Director, CIA Director, Immigration Director and Congressman

TOTAL YES: 100 - 16,313 - 98.9% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 175 1.1% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 441 635 575 519
21-30 - NO 4 5 6 5
31-40 - YES 912 851 992 1,002
31-40 - NO 7 9 10 9
41-50 - YES 1,207 1,348 1,581 1,393
41-50 - NO 9 9 9 10
51-60 - YES 803 869 883 911
51-60 - NO 11 10 10 10
61-70 - YES 312 350 353 371
61-70 - NO 9 10 11 10

Do you feel an full investigation needs to be done to correct the problem?

TOTAL YES: 16,201 - 98.2% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 287 1.8% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 438 631 571 515
21-30 - NO 9 10 12 11
31-40 - YES 906 845 985 995
31-40 - NO 12 12 14 13
41-50 - YES 1,199 1,339 1,570 1,383
41-50 - NO 15 16 15 17
51-60 - YES 797 863 877 905
51-60 - NO 17 16 16 16
61-70 - YES 310 347 351 369
61-70 - NO 14 16 18 17

Do you feel the Senate Intelligence Committee who is investigating this will disclose the truth?

TOTAL YES: 13,154 - 79.9% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 3,334 20.2% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 90 130 118 106
21-30 - NO 446 483 650 539
31-40 - YES 186 174 203 205
31-40 - NO 641 734 837 806
41-50 - YES 247 275 323 285
41-50 - NO 976 997 977 1,058
51-60 - YES 164 178 180 186
51-60 - NO 778 734 709 734
61-70 - YES 64 71 72 76
61-70 - NO 234 252 297 270

Knowing what you know now regarding the incompetenance of our government agencies, do you feel safer or do you feel we are in grave danger of being attacked again without any warning?

TOTAL YES: 9,932 - 60.2 % OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 6,556 - 39.8% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 320 346 466 386
21-30 - NO 177 255 231 208
31-40 - YES 520 595 679 654
31-40 - NO 366 342 399 403
41-50 - YES 778 795 779 844
41-50 - NO 485 542 635 560
51-60 - YES 620 585 565 585
51-60 - NO 323 349 355 366
61-70 - YES 92 99 17 106
61-70 - NO 125 141 142 149

Knowing that Russia is building a nuclear reactor which gives them nuclear technology for weapons for Iran, a known country that harbors terrorists, do you feel its' still okay to purchase oil from them?

TOTAL YES: 4,114 - 24.9% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 12,374 75.1% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 111 160 145 131
21-30 - NO 368 399 537 445
31-40 - YES 230 215 250 253
31-40 - NO 610 699 797 767
41-50 - YES 305 340 399 351
41-50 - NO 931 951 932 1,009
51-60 - YES 202 219 223 230
51-60 - NO 760 717 692 717
61-70 - YES 79 88 89 94
61-70 - NO 232 239 294 267

Do you feel we should pull all military from Afganistan and not continue the war there?

TOTAL YES: 12,884 - 78.1% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 3,604 21.9% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 348 502 454 410
21-30 - NO 103 111 150 124
31-40 - YES 720 672 783 791
31-40 - NO 180 206 235 227
41-50 - YES 954 1,065 1,248 1,100
41-50 - NO 223 227 223 241
51-60 - YES 634 686 697 719
51-60 - NO 223 211 203 211
61-70 - YES 247 276 279 293
61-70 - NO 112 121 143 130

Are these recent events regarding 911 who knew what when going to change how you vote in the next election?

TOTAL YES: 10,414 - 63.1% OF VOTE
TOTAL NO: 6,074 36.9% of VOTE

AGE GROUP Western States Southwest States Midwest Eastern States
21-30 - YES 281 406 367 331
21-30 - NO 190 206 277 229
31-40 - YES 582 543 633 640
31-40 - NO 213 244 278 268
41-50 - YES 771 860 1,009 889
41-50 - NO 320 327 320 347
51-60 - YES 513 555 564 582
51-60 - NO 372 351 339 351
61-70 - YES 199 223 225 237
61-70 - NO 321 346 408 370

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Updated June 20th, 2002