Food For Thought
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Clinton Poll Recap
April, 1998
by columnist
David Lawrence Dewey

"Reading provides knowledge...
knowledge leads to answers."
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A national poll was conducted on my website from September 11th through October 5th, 1997 with 18,732 people voting. The final results showed some very interesting results.Votes were only counted once per email address, however, husband and wife from same email address were allowed. Some will say that this poll was not accurate, that only the wealthier of people were voting, however if you look at the occupation areas, you will see a large amount of working labor voted as well as retired, semi-retired and housewives. Some will say that on the poll form, that the "yes" was already checked. Yes, it was, however, when looking at the results, see that people were changing certain questions to "NO". They were reading the questions. The following are the results in recap form per question asked.

Should Clinton Resign?

54% said he should versus 46% he should not. Age groups between 41-60, representing 31% of the votes cast said "yes", versus 23% in this same age group saying "no". The 21-30 age group felt no more than yes. Overall 54% of you said "yes" while 46% of you said "no". Democrats were running neck in neck, 25.3% versus 24.9%. What is interesting, 20.1% of Republicans said "yes", while 18.3% said "no". This clearly shows that Republicans feel for some reason that President Clinton has not been treated fairly in the investigation. The maritial status was interesting also. Singles votes were 37.1% of the votes cast saying he should not, while 31.% of the married voters said he should. Working professional, 24.4% of the votes cast said he should resign, while a higher percentage of working labor, 31.4% said he should not. This is suprising, my opinion this is because the working labor force does not want to "rock" the boat concering the economy because they feel Clinton is the one that has turned things around. Midwest voters stated more that he should resign, while East Cost voters ran close as well as West Coast and Southwest voters.

Did President Clinton Commit Perjury?
Did President Clinton Lie?
Can President Clinton Be Trusted?
Should President Clinton Be Impeached?

Now the results here are really interesting. 88% thought he committed perjury, the higest age group that said "yes" was again the 41-60 age group with 45% of the vote cast. However when you look at the question should Clinton be impeached, this same age group voted, 56% that he should be not impeached. 54% of them also said he should not be censured. However, 54% of them said they felt Clinton could not be trusted. This age group has the highest votes, 47% that he should pay the legal expenses for Starr's investigation. I guess this is the form of punishment that this age group feels Clinton should be dealt. 47% of this age group also felt there was not a right wing element envolved, while 37% of them said they felt Starr was out to get President Clinton. What is interesting is that 53% of this age group said Clinton lied, while 47% felt he didn't. I'm puzzled over this one because of how they answered the other questions. Overall, 53.8% of the votes casts say he should resign, yet, 47% of the 41-60 age group feel he did not lie. My question is, he 47% feel he didn't lie, but nearly 54% said he should resign, I am getting the impression that this has become a morality issue that people are voting more on the morals of what Clinton and Lewinsky were doing sexually and not on the perjury question.

Would You Like To Know Who Is Paying Lewinsky's Legal Expenses?

This is interesting, 87.5% of the votes cast would like to know who is paying Lewinsky's legal expenses. The major media outlets have open every other pandoras box concerning this, I wonder why they have not investigated this and reported it. I bet that have and what they found would suprise everyone and again, politics in the media again

Should Congress Just Drop The Whole Matter?
Was Starr Out To Get The President?

Interesting results here. While 53.8% of the total votes cast say he should resign, 58.1% say Congress should not drop the matter. But remember above, A high precentage voted that he should not be impeached, censured but pay the legal expenses of Starr's investigation. Again, I think this represents clearly what is on most American's minds. They want the thing to be done and over with by voting "no" to impeachment or censureship, but "yes" to paying legal expenses. I believe Americans have been trying to tell the Washington politicians all along let's get this thing over with, no impeachment, no censureship, make Clinton pay the legal expenses for his publishment and let's move on. I say this because a 64% voted that they felt Starr was out to get Cinton, yet, only 29.9% felt there was a right wing element envolved.

Could The Media Have Reported This Better?

Interesting results. 79% of the vote cast felt the media could have done a better job. Who did they feel reported it better? The results were as follow: CNN with 27.17%, NBC with 26.33%, CBS with 25.70%, ABC with 18.97%, radio, other and one represented 2% of the vote.

Would You Want Vice President Gore As President?

81.2% of the votes cast said "no". This question had to be changed from an automatic "yes" answer to a "no". So people were reading the question. 53% of the 41-60 age group had the highet perecentage of votes. Interesting, 14% of votes between 21-40 said "yes". Gore evidently appeals to the younger crowd.

Should The Video Tape Be Released

This question was added later and only 10,917 were tallied out of the 18,732 total votes cast. Most were cast before the video was actually released. Interesting this shows clearly that the American people had enough of this, 81.2% said "no" to it being released. Once again, the Washington politicians did not listen to the wishes of the American people.

Overall the poll shows some very interesting demographics that reflect showing the morality issue this has centered around. You can see this in how people voted concerning certain questions. I would like to hear from your thoughts concerning these final results, whether you agree or disagree on my comments concerning what I believe the votes are showing in a deeper sense. You can either email me or post your thoughts on my message opinion board. I hope you have found these results as interesting as I have. It tells much about the thinking of Americans.

You can see what Zogby's poll is saying at:
Zogby has been the only poll that has been the most
accurate concerning Presidential elections over the last 20 years.
Zogbyis saying that 51.7% of voters are saying Clinton Should resign.

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